Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Today i read one letter of Sardar Vallabh bhai which he wrote in the name of former Prime minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru. प्रिय जवाहर एक दूसरे के लिए हमारे मन में जो प्यार और अनुराग है, लगभग 30साल की हमारी अखंड मित्रता है,उसे देखते हुए औपचारिकता का कोई स्थान नही रह जाता|| आशा है कि मेरी सेवाएं बाकी के जीवन के लिए आपके अधीन रहेंगी| आपको उस ध्येय की सिद्धि के लिए मेरी शुद्ध और संपूर्ण वफादारी और निष्ठा प्राप्त होगी जिसके लिए आपके जैसा त्याग और बलिदान भारत के अन्य किसी पुरुष ने नही किया है।। हमारा साथ अटूट और अखंड है और उसी में हमारी शक्ति है।। आपका सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
"गलत आदतों की वजह से नहीं घटता आपका वजन! इंटरनेट डेस्क। बदलती जीवनशैली की वजह से मोटापा होना आम बात है। लेकिन इसका एक कारण ओर हो सकता है, वह है गलत आदतें? आपको बता दें कि आजकल 5 में से 3 लोग मोटापे के शिकार है। वजन कम करने के लिए कई तरह के उपाय करते हैं। कुछ लोग जिम जाते है तो कुछ डाइटिंग करते है लेकिन फिर भी उनका वजन कम नहीं होता। शायद आप ये नहीं जानते कि हर रोज आप कुछ ऐसी गलतियां कर देते है जिसकी वजह से आपका वजन कम नहीं होता। चलिए आपको बताते हैं कुछ ऐसी आदतों के बारे में… -ज्यादा जूस का सेवन करना : अगर आप पानी की जगह जूस का ज्यादा सेवन करते है तो इसी वजह से आपका वजन कम नहीं होता। जूस में पाए जाने वाली शुगर आपके शरीर में फैट पैदा करती है। – ओवर डाइटिंग से बचे : कुछ लोग वजन करने के लिए डाइटिंग करते है। डाइटिंग के चक्कर में बिल्कुल खाना पीना बंद कर देते हैं। ऐसे में उनका वजन कम नहीं होता बल्कि बढ़ जाता है। -नहीं करें नाश्ता : सेहतमंद रहने के लिए सुबह का नाश्ता करना बहुत जरूरी हैं। सुबह का नाश्ता न करने से मेटाबॉलिज्म कम हो जाता है, जिससे शरीर में फैट बनने लगती है। – हरी सब्जियां खाएं : आजकल के बच्चे तथा युवा हरी सब्जियों को खाने से कतराते हैं। अगर आप अपना वजन घटाना चाहते है तो अपनी डाइट में हरी सब्जियां शामिल कीजिए। यहां पढें: लाइफस्टाइल एंड हेल्थ के खास आर्टिकल्स संदर्भ पढ़ें 14" - गलत आदतों की वजह से नहीं घटता आपका वजन!
Monday, 28 November 2016
Finance Minister introduced a bill to amend the Income Tax law which also provides for black money declarants a mandatory depositing of 25% of the amount disclosed in anti-poverty scheme without interest and a four-year lock-in period. Those who choose to declare their ill-gotten wealth stashed till now in banned 500 and 1,000 rupee notes under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana 2016, will have to pay a tax at the rate of 30% of the undisclosed income. Additionally, a 10% penalty will be levied on the undisclosed income and surcharge called PMGK Cess at the rate of 33% of tax (33% of 30%). Further, the declarants have to deposit 25% of the undisclosed income in a scheme to be notified by the government in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). For those who continue to hold onto undisclosed cash and are caught, existing provisions of the Income Tax law will be amended to provide for a flat 60% tax plus a surcharge of 25% of tax (15%), which will amount a levy of 75%. Besides, if the assessing officer decides he can charge a 10% penalty in addition to the 75% tax. The current provisions of penalty on under-reporting of income at 50% of the tax, and misreporting (200% of tax) will remain and no changes are being made to them. Under-reporting/misreporting income is normally difference between returned income and assessed income. The Taxation Laws (Second Amendment) Bill, 2016 proposes to amend Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act to provide for a punitive tax, surcharge and penalty on unexplained credit, investment, cash and other assets. Against current provision of 30% flat tax rate plus surcharge and cesss, a steep 60% tax will be levied on such income together with 25% surcharge of tax (15% of such income). So total incidence of tax will be 75% with no expense, deductions or set-off allowed. Also, the assessing officer can levy an additional 10% penalty, taking the total tax incidence to 85%. The current provisions for penalty in cases of search and seizure are proposed to be amended to provide for a penalty of 30% of income if it is admitted, returns filed and taxes paid. In all other cases, 60% will be the penalty. Currently, the penalty is 10% of the income, if the income is admitted, returned and taxes are paid. Penalty is at 60% in all other cases. Under the new Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, besides 50% tax, surcharge and penalty, a quarter of the declared income will be to be deposited in interest free deposit scheme for four years.
Saturday, 26 November 2016
गुलजारजीकी एक सुंदर कविता जिन्दगी की दौड़ में, तजुर्बा कच्चा ही रह गया...। हम सिख न पाये 'फरेब' और दिल बच्चा ही रह गया ! बचपन में जहां चाहा हँस लेते थे, जहां चाहा रो लेते थे...। पर अब मुस्कान को तमीज़ चाहिए और आंसुओ को तन्हाई ! हम भी मुस्कराते थे कभी बेपरवाह अन्दाज़ से... देखा है आज खुद को कुछ पुरानी तस्वीरों में ! चलो मुस्कुराने की वजह ढुंढते हैं... तुम हमें ढुंढो... हम तुम्हे ढुंढते हैं !! - गुलज़ार
Friday, 25 November 2016
क्या है एक्साइज ड्यूटी मान लीजिये आप सुनार के पास गए आपने 10 ग्राम प्योर सोना 30000 रुपये का खरीदा। उसका लेकर आप सुनार के पास हार बनबाने गए। सुनार ने आपसे 10 ग्राम सोना लिया और कहा की 2000 रुपये बनबाई लगेगी। आपने कहा ठीक है। उसके बाद सुनार ने 1 ग्राम सोना निकाल लिया और 1 ग्राम का टाका लगा दिया। क्यों विना टाके के आपका हार नही बन सकता। यानी की 1 ग्राम सोना 3000 रुपये का निकाल लिया । और 2000 रुपये आपसे बनबाई अलग से लेली। यानी आपको 5000 रुपये का झटका लग गया। अब आपके 30 हजार रुपये सोने की कीमत मात्र 25 हजार रुपये बची। और सोना भी 1 ग्राम कम कम हो कर 9 ग्राम शेष बचा। बात यही खत्म नही हुई। उसके बाद अगर आप पुन: अपने सोने के हार को बेचने या कोई और आभूषण बनबाने पुन: उसी सुनार के पास जाते है तो वह पहले टाका काटने की बात करता है। और सफाई करने के नाम पर 0.5 ग्राम सोना और कम हो जाता है। अब आपके पास मात्र 8.5 ग्राम सोना बचता है। यानी की 30 हजार का सोना मात्र 25500 रुपये का बचा। आप जानते होंगे 30000 रुपये का सोना + 2000 रुपये बनबाई = 32000 रुपये 1 ग्राम का टाका कटा 3000 रुपए + 0.5 पुन: बेचने या तुड़वाने पर कटा = सफाई के नाम पर = 1500 शेष बचा सोना 8.5 ग्राम यानी कीमत 32000 - 6500 का घाटा = 25500 रुपये सरकार की मंशा एक्साइज ड्यूटी लगने पर सुनार को रशीद के आधार पर उपभोक्ता को पूरा सोना देना होगा। और जितने ग्राम का टाका लगेगा । उसका सोने के तोल पर कोई फर्क नही पड़ेगा। जैसा की आपके सोने की तोल 10 ग्राम है और टाका 1 ग्राम का लगा तो सुनार को रशीद के आधार पर 11 ग्राम बजन करके उपभोक्ता को देना होगा। इसी लिए सुनार हड़ताल पर हे। भेद खुल जायगा। कृपया इस मेसेज को ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करे । जागो ग्राहक जागो।
The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn’t, matters not a jot. The possibility is always there. Good morning is not just a word, its an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Don’t underestimate the power of thoughts and words. What you tell yourself every morning will set your mind and life on that path. Talk success, victory, happiness and blessings over your destiny. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right!
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Vachjo............. khub j saras 6 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 🔺01. કોઇપણ વસ્તું કે માણસની એટલી બધી અપેક્ષા ન રાખવી કે તેના વગર જીવી ના શકાય. 🔺02. પાંપણો પર જો પાળ બાંધી હોત ને સાહેબ , તો....આ આંખો સાતેય દરિયાની માલિક હોત.. 🔺03. અફવા એ એવું ઝડપી ગતીવાળું પક્ષી છે, જેની પાંખોને ક્યારેય 'વા' લાગતો નથી. 🔺04. સાપ ઘરે જોવા મળે તો લોકો દંડો મારવા દોડે છે અને શિવ લિંગ પર જોવા મળે તો દુધ પીવડાવવા દોડે છે... સન્માન તમારું નહિ, તમારા સ્થાન અને સથિતિનું થાય છે. 🔺05. આપણે જેમને સહુથી વધુ ચાહીએ તેમનામાં જ આપણને વધુ દુઃખ આપવાની શક્તિ રહેલી હોય છે. 🔺06. દુનિયાની સાચી હકીકત જ્યાં સુધી "સાચી વાત" ઘરની બહાર નીકળે...... ત્યાં સુધીમાં તો "ખોટી વાતે" અડધી દુનિયા ફરી લીધી હોય છે.. 🔺07. સિંહ અને વાઘ ખુબજ શક્તિશાળી છે. પણ શિયાળ ક્યારે સર્કસમાં કામ નથી કરતો. (શાંતિથી વિચારજો ) 🔺08. બસ દિલ જીતવાનો જ હેતુ રાખજો. કારણ કે...... દુનિયા જીતીને પણ સિંકદર ખાલી હાથે જ ગયો.... 🔺09. અજબ રિવાજ છે આપણા દેશનો , નજર મર્દૉની ખરાબ હોય છે , અને સ્ત્રીઓને લાજ કાઢવાનું કહે છે 🔺10. ઘડિયાળ ની ટીક ટીક ને મામુલી ના સમજો સાહેબ..એટલું સમજી લ્યો કે "જિંદગીના વૃક્ષ" પર કુહાડી ના વાર છે..! 🔺11. તમે ભલે તમારા જીવનથી અસંતુષ્ટ હોવ. પણ ઘણા લોકો એવા હશે જે તમારા જેવુ જીવન જીવવા તરસતા હશે. 🔺12. કોઇને ' સારા ' લાગશો, કોઈને ' ખરાબ ' લાગશો, પણ ચીંતા ના કરશો... જેવા જેના વિચારો હોય છે, તેવા જ તેના ' મૂલ્યાંકન ' હોય છે. 🔺13. લાગણીઓ ના વ્યવહાર માં ખેલ ના કરાય વાલા. કારણ કે સાચા મિત્રોના ક્યાંય સેલ ના ભરાય. દોસ્ત તારી ગેરહાજરી એટલે ફીલ અને તારી હાજરી એટલે મહેફિલ. 🔺14. રેતી માં ઢોળાયેલ ખાંડ કીડી વીણી સકે પરંતુ હાથી નહિ તેથી ક્યારેય નાના માણસ ને નાનો ના ગણવો ક્યારેક નાનો માણસ મોટું કામ કરી જાય છે..
Salams, Allah has specially created you to touch lives and inspire. You're part of a puzzle of someone's life. You may never know where you fit in, but others will fill holes in their lives with pieces of you. So, if you run out of reasons to continue, remember that someone else's life may never be complete without you in it. My duas for you are health, wealth, success, happiness, knowledge, long life and a place in Jannah. Ameen. Have a blessed Friday. Please remember me, my family and the entire Ummah in your duas. Wassalam'Khair.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
અસ્સલામો અલયકુમ..., સલામ બાદ આપણો ભરૂચ વહોરા પટેલ સમાજ આખી દુન્યા માં વેપાર, ધંધા,રોજગાર માટે ફેલાયેલ છે.આપણો સમાજ મહેનતુ અને ભરૂચી ની ઓળખ રાખનાર સમાજ છે. આપણા સમાજ માં દાનવીરો પણ ઘણા છે. સમાજના હીતેચ્છુ પણ ઘણા છે. પરંતુ એક પ્લેટ ફોર્મ નો અભાવ છે. જેના કારણે સમાજ ની જુની પેઢી અને નવી પેઢી તથા વિદેશી સંસ્કુતી અને માદરે વતન ની સંસ્કુતી નું સંકલન થતું નથી અને એક જનરેશન ગેપ થઈ રહ્યો છે. આપણો સમાજ ૧૧,૦૦,૦૦૦ (અગિયાર લાખ) ની વસ્તી ધરાવતો સમાજ છે. આટલા મોટા સમાજ નું એક સંગઠન હોવું ઘણુજ જરુરી છે. આ સંગઠન ની રચના કરવા માટે વિચાર વિર્મશ કરવા આપની સલાહ સુચન માટે એક મીટીંગ નું આયોજન કરેલ છે. જેના માટે આપના કીમતી સમય માંથી સમાજ માટે થોડો સમય ફાળવી નીચેના સમય, તારીખે અવશ્ય હાજર રહેશો એવી અાશા સાથે વિનંતી કરુ છુ. જજાકલ્લાહ સમય: બપોર ના ૨:૩૦ કલાકે તારીખ: ૨૬/૧૧/૧૬ ને શનીવાર સ્થળ: મુન્શી મનુબરવાલા સંકુલ, દહેજ બાયપાસ,ભરૂચ.. ઈકબાલ પાદરવાલા પ્રમુખ ભરૂચ વ્હોરા પટેલ ચેરી. ટ્રસ્ટ
Sunday, 20 November 2016
CBDT notifies reporting of cash deposit b/w 09.11.2016 to 30.12.2016 Amendment in Rule 114B for compulsory quoting of pan in case of cash deposit exceeding Rs. 50000 in a single day or aggregating to more then Rs. 2.5 lakh during the period from 09.11.2016 till 30.12.2016. Amendment in Rule 114E for filing AIR report as required under section 285BA of Income Tax Act, 1961 wrt reporting by banking company and a cooperative bank on account of aggregate cash deposits in one or more current account of a person in excess of Rs. 12.5 lakhs or Rs. 2.5 lakh or more in one or more account of a person during 09.11.2016 till 30.12.2016. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES NOTIFICATION No. 104/2016-Income Tax New Delhi, the 15th November, 2016 G.S.R 1068(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 285BA, read with section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely:- 1. (1) These rules may be called the Income–tax (30th Amendment) Rules, 2016. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 114B, in the Table, for serial number 10 and entries relating thereto the following serial number and entries shall be substituted, namely:- Sl. No.Nature of transactionValue of transaction(1)(2)(3)“10. Deposit with,- (i) a banking company or a co- operative bank to which the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), applies (including any bank or banking institution referred to in section 51 of that Act); (ii) Post Office. Cash deposits,- (i) exceeding fifty thousand rupees during any one day; or (ii) aggregating to more than two lakh fifty thousand rupees during the period 09thNovember, 2016 to 30th December, 2016.”. 3. In the said rules, in rule 114E, ̶ (i) in sub-rule (2), in the Table, after serial number 11 and entries relating thereto the following serial number and entries shall be inserted, namely:- Sl. No.Nature and value of transactionClass of person (reporting person)(1)(2)(3)“12. Cash deposits during the period 09thNovember, 2016 to 30th December, 2016 aggregating to ̶ (i) twelve lakh fifty thousand rupees or more, in one or more current account of a person; or (ii) two lakh fifty thousand rupees or more, in one or more accounts (other than a current account) of a person. (i) A banking company or a co-operative bank to which the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) applies (including any bank or banking institution referred to in section 51 of that Act); (ii) Post Master General as referred to in clause (j) of section 2 of the Indian Post Office Act, 1898 (6 of 1898).”; (ii) in sub-rule (5), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:- “Provided the statement of financial transaction in respect of the transactions listed at serial number (12) in the Table under sub-rule (2), shall be furnished on or before the 31st day of January, 2017.”. [Notification No. 104/2016] [F.No.370142/32/2016-TPL] (Dr. T.S. Mapwal) Under Secretary to the Government of India Note:- The principal rules were published vide notification S.O. 969 (E), dated the 26th March, 1962 and last amended videnotification S.O.3399(E), dated 07th November, 2016.
*अब बैंक की भीड़ में बैलेंस पूछने के लिए घंटों इंतजार करने की आवश्यकता नहीं हैं* 👍 Get Your Bank Mini Statements on Your Mobile Without the Internet Dial * 99# to do basic Banking instantly. One can check balance for accounts, mini statement where the mobile number is registered & no internet required. Below are the direct codes for banks: * 99* 41#-State Bank of India * 99* 42#- Punjab National Bank * 99* 43#-HDFC Bank * 99* 44#-ICICI Bank * 99* 45#-AXIS Bank * 99* 46#-Canara Bank * 99* 47#- Bank Of India * 99* 48#-Bank of Baroda * 99* 49#-IDBI Bank * 99* 50#-Union Bank of India * 99* 51#-Central Bank of India * 99* 52#-India Overseas Bank * 99* 53#-Oriental Bank of Commerce * 99* 54#-Allahabad Bank * 99* 55#-Syndicate Bank * 99* 56#-UCO Bank * 99* 57#-Corporation Bank * 99* 58#- Indian Bank * 99* 59#-Andhra Bank * 99* 60#- State Bank Of Hyderabad * 99* 61#- Bank of Maharashtra * 99* 62#- State Bank of Patiala * 99* 63#- United Bank of India * 99* 64#-Vijaya Bank * 99* 65#-Dena Bank * 99* 66#-Yes Bank * 99* 67#-State Bank of Travancore * 99* 68#-Kotak Mahindra Bank * 99* 69#-IndusInd Bank * 99* 70#- State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur * 99* 71#- Punjab and Sind Bank * 99* 72#-Federal Bank * 99* 73#-State Bank of Mysore * 99* 74#-South Indian Bank * 99* 75#-Karur Vysya Bank * 99* 76#-Karnataka Bank * 99* 77#-Tamilnad Mercantile Bank * 99* 78#-DCB Bank * 99* 79#- Ratnakar Bank * 99* 80#-Nainital Bank * 99* 81#-Janata Sahakari Bank * 99* 82#-Mehsana Urban Co-Operative Bank * 99* 83#-NKGSB Bank * 99* 84#-Saraswat Bank * 99* 85#-Apna Sahakari Bank * 99* 86#-Bhartiya Mahila Bank * 99* 87#- Abhyudaya Co-Operative Bank * 99* 88#-Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative Bank * 99* 89#-Hasti Co-Operative Bank * 99* 90#- Gujarat State Co-Operative Bank * 99* 91#- Kalupur Commercial Co-Operative Bank. Also, u can dial * 99* 99# to know your Aadhaar linking and Over Draft Status. ☝🏼 *Most useful message..*
Saturday, 19 November 2016
How can your bank account with internet banking facility can be hacked? Worth reading... 1. Hacker accesses your name and date of birth from Facebook. 2. With these details he goes to the IncomeTax site and updates them. From there he obtains the pancard and mobile numbers. 3. Then he gets a duplicate pancard made. 4. After this he lodges a mobile theft complaint in a police station. 5. With the duplicate pancard he gets another simcard from the mobile company. 6. Through internet banking he is now ready to access your account. 7. He goes to the site and uses the forgot my password option. 8. Now he easily gets past other options and gets the Internet banking pin on his simcard. This information was issued by the Cyber Cell Police. All those who used Net Banking are requested to edit Facebook profile and delete the birth date and mobile no. as a safety measure.
Friday, 18 November 2016 MUMBAI: Thanks to a new directive from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), from now on every non-resident Indian (NRI) and foreigner leaving the country will have to compulsorily change Indian rupees in their possession into a foreign currency before they board the flight. It's a common practice among NRIs to carry some amount of Indian currency with them when they leave the country, mainly for the convenience of not having to exchange forex into rupee when they return the next time. But from now on, they will not be allowed to carry any Indian notes with them. Although the rule, which is part of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), has been in place for quite sometime now, it is only now that the central bank is trying to enforce it. On Monday, RBI allowed forex changers to open kiosks beyond the immigration desks at international airports to facilitate NRIs and foreigners opting to exchange rupee for other currencies before they enter the aircraft. According to RBI officials, in case these travellers have Indian currency notes in their possession before boarding the flight, Indian customs officials can act against them. RBI has allowed NRIs to carry up to Rs 10,000 beyond the immigration and customs desks, and to the duty-free shopping and security checking areas in the departure hall in international airports to meet miscellaneous expenses. However, this has been allowed subject to the condition that NRIs "will not be allowed to carry any Indian rupee beyond SHA and that they should dispose of Indian currency before boarding the plane", an RBI notification said. To facilitate money changing facilities for NRIs and foreigners, foreign exchange counters have been allowed in departure halls in international airports beyond the immigration and customs desks. "Such foreign exchange counters will, however, only buy Indian rupees from non-residents and sell foreign currency to them subject to usual terms and conditions," RBI said. It has also directed authorities to put up displays at international airports, "reminding passengers that the area is the last point for non-residents to possess Indian Rupees".
Views of Noted Economists, Chartered Accountants, Investment Gurus and Finance experts on Effect of Demonetisation and other recent developments on Real Estate Last few days there has been a surge of messages from "Whatsapp Economists" with the simple theme that real estate prices will fall drastically due to Demonetisation ie ban on Rs 500/Rs 1000 notes. Here's a 10 Point Summary of what actual experts with business and economic logic say: 1. Demonetisation will flood the Banking system with funds driving down both interest rates on Deposits and Loans 2. If Interest rate on FD is just 5-6 % interest on Home Loans will come down to 7-8 % (since Banks keep an 2-3 per cent margin). 3. Historically at such Low interest rates Real Estate industry gets a massive boost as property becomes attractive to everyone: Buyers, Investors and even that invisible category called Businessmen/Professionals. 4. Even when prices are same, Apartments come within reach of Buyers due to lower EMI on Loans due to lower interest rate 5. Investors find Investing in property more attractive than earning a paltry 5-6 % on Bank Deposit as simply buying and renting out gives them more return. PLUS they create an asset and earn appreciation over a period of time PLUS they get income tax deductions 6. Shopkeepers, Retail Malls, Corporate Houses and even professionals like Doctors, Consultants, CAs jump in to buy property as they want preferred location and once that's gone they may never get that chance again. So, they buy at the first available opportunity instead of waiting for prices to fall. 7. Demonetisation will see the most money flowing in banking system from people in the unorganized / small scale sector: Farmers, Traders, Tailors, Hoteliers, Beauty shop owners, Tuiton classes, small contractors, House Maids, Drivers, Security Guards etc. Crores of new people entering Banking system means that they will also be eligible to get bank loans and fulfill their dream of owning a house 8. Government will have money to invest in infrastructure as Banks will deploy lakhs of crores in Government Securities. With a few lakh crore at its disposal, Government can only boost funding to infrastructure schemes such as Smart City Mission, Swacch Bharat Mission, Housing for All etc. 9. New Airport in town, better connectivity to National/State Highway, Upgradation in City Transport all lead to increase in demand and prices of properties in the city 10. It is interesting to note that real estate prices show slower rise in countries which have a fully ready infrastructure like USA, UK, Japan etc. Whereas in a developing countries like India, there is a vast difference in prices in a City before and after creation of Infrastructure Conclusion: In the final analysis, recent developments such as passing of Real Estate Regulation Act, Demonetisation, Goods and Service Tax etc combined with Government focus on infrastructure will only serve as positive factors for growth of Real Estate industry Factors of Real Estate Industry which get missed due to one-sided picture created by social media: 1. Real Estate Industry contributed 7 % to India's GDP. 2. Second Highest employer after Agriculture. 3. Real Estate Industry supports more than 140 allied industries from large ones such as Steel, Cement and Transport to cottage ones such as bamboo and rope making. 4. Real Estate Industry caters to the basic need of Shelter for every citizen. 5. As per Government of India, more than 90 per cent of demand for Real Estate Is in affordable and mid range category. 6. In era of mechanisation and automation, Real Estate is the only Industry which still continues to provide regular employment to millions of daily wage earners. 7. One of the only Industries which contributes large share of taxes at all levels of Government: Local Government ie Muncipal Corporations etc (Building permission charges), State Goverment (VAT and Stamp Duty), Central Government (Service Tax and Income Tax). 8. Investments such as equity shares, Commodities like Gold, Silver, Mutual Fund etc have seen large ups and downs. Real Estate is the only asset class which has given stable and constant one way growth over last several decades. 9. Real Estate has both value in use and value as investment. 10. Real Estate investment is the best investment from a very long term angle as taxation happens only on sale and in case of reinvestment 100 pc tax can be saved. 11. With Indian economy becoming increasingly urbanized, it is expected that more than 50 pc of India's population will live in cities by next decade. This massive change in demographic and economic profile of the country will give big boost to real estate over the 5-10 year horizon.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
NEW SCAM ALERT!!! PLS HELP US SPREAD THIS FAST IT MAY SAVE UR FRIENDS OR FAMILY, SO REBROADCAST. Please be aware that fraudsters have developed new soft ware & devised a new means of defrauding people, as the former trick of sending an SMS telling you that your ATM has been deactivated due to system upgrade or BVN issues, is no longer working well for them because people are very aware of that trick now. Their new trick now is to send you an email supposedly to have been sent by your bank email service informing you that you have been debited Rs 7,000/- as subscription fee for d bank's monthly digest magazine and the charge will continue every month.. To unsubscribe and cancel that deduction monthly from your account you should click here (a link is given there). Once you click the link it will open up a page where you will be asked to supply your bank details including ATM information, that is now the info they need to enable them access and clear your account. Please remember: DO NOT REPLY SUCH EMAIL, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK TO CANCEL THE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION, JUST IGNORE OR DELETE THE MAIL, YOUR ACCOUNT IS SAFE AND NOTHING WAS DEDUCTED FOR ANY MAGAZINE. I've done well to alert you. Do well to alert more people. Above all don't fall a victim. It is a fresh and latest information from the security Agencies. Circulate please. Mumbai Police.
Earning a relation is a reward of our trust, Maintaining the same is the result of our sacrifice & Strengthening the same is the result of our care"...!!! And Breaking someone’s trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper. You can smooth it over but it is never going to be the same again. Good night
Sunday, 13 November 2016
तुम जिसको पैसा समझते हो वह एक मान्यता है अगर किसी दिन सरकार बदल जाए और रातोंरात यह एलान किया जाए कि फलाँ-फलाँ नोट नहीं चलेगा तो तुम क्या करोगे ? मान्यता को बदलने में देर कितनी लगती है ? चंद कागज के टुकड़ों पर किसी का चित्र और हस्ताक्षर करने से वह मुद्रा बन गई और व्यवहारिक काम में आने लगी । अब मान्यता बदल गई तो वह मुद्रा दो कौड़ी की हो जाएगी सारा खेल मान्यता का है । जड़ वस्तुऐं मूल्यहीन हैं । महज एक मान्यता है जिसने उन्हे मूल्यवान बना दिया है ! स्वर्ण रजत हीरे मुद्रा इनका मूल्य महज मान्यता का आरोपण है। जिस दिन तुम जगत की मान्यताओं से मुक्त हो गये, उस दिन सब मिट्टी हो जाएगा । उस दिन तुम चेतना को उपलब्ध होगे, जो अनमोल है
Saturday, 12 November 2016
જરુર વાંચો ખુબજ અગત્યની વાત છે - રૂ. 500 અને 1000ની નોટ અમાન્ય થયા બાદ વાચકમિત્રોના મનમાં ઢગલાબંધ પ્રશ્નો ઊભા થઈ રહ્યા છે, પરંતુ તેના અધિકૃત જવાબ મેળવવા મુશ્કેલ બની રહ્યા છે. ત્યારે નવગુજરાત સમય દ્વારા તૈયાર કરાયેલા ‘ફ્રિક્વન્ટ્લી આસ્ક્ડ ક્વેશ્ચન્સ’ના ગુજરાતના પ્રસિદ્ધ ચાર્ટર્ડ એકાઉન્ટન્ટ અને ICAIના પૂર્વ ચેરમેન જૈનિક વકીલ દ્વારા શક્ય તેટલા સચોટ જવાબો આપવામાં આવ્યા છે. પ્ર: જો માત્ર પતિ જ કમાનાર વ્યક્તિ હોય તો પતિ-પત્ની પોતાના વ્યક્તિગત બેન્ક ખાતામાં કેટલી રકમ જમા કરાવી શકે? જ: માર્ગદર્શિકા મુજબ, પત્ની મહત્તમ રુ.2.50 લાખ સુધી જમા કરાવી શકે. અર્નિંગ પર્સન તરીકે પતિ જો બીજી રોકડ જમા કરાવે તો ચાલુ વર્ષની આવકમાં ઉમેરાઇ જાય. પ્ર: જો રુ.2.50 લાખ કરતાં વધુ રકમ હોય અને તે જમા કરાવવામાં આવે, તો આવકવેરાની નોટિસ મળવાની સંભાવના કેટલી? જ: જો 2.50 લાખથી વધુ 10 નવેમ્બરથી 30 ડિસેમ્બર દરમિયાન ભર્યા હોય અને આવકમાં મિસમેચ હોય તો નોટિસ મળી શકે. પ્ર: પાંચ સભ્ય ધરાવતા પરિવારમાં તમામના વ્યક્તિગત બેન્ક ખાતાં હોય તો તેઓ કુલ કેટલી રકમ જમા કરાવી શકે? જ: કમાનાર વ્યક્તિ સિવાય તમામ રુ.2.50 લાખ સુધી જમા કરાવે તો સરકારી ખુલાસા મુજબ કોઇ પૂછપરછની શક્યતા નથી. પ્ર: એક વ્યક્તિના અલગ-અલગ બેન્કમાં ખાતા હોય તો તમામમાં રુ.2.50 લાખ ભરી શકાય? જ: 30 ડિસેમ્બર સુધીમાં વ્યક્તિ દીઠ કુલ રકમ રુ.2.50 લાખ જમા કરાવી શકાશે તે બાબત ધ્યાનમાં રાખવી. પ્ર: કાળા નાણાં દ્વારા સોનું ખરીદ્યું છે તેમને ઝડપી લેવા સરકાર માટે શક્ય છે? જ: જો જ્વેલરે પાન નંબર વગર વેચાણ કર્યું છે તો તેમના પર તવાઇ આવશે. જેમણે પણ પાન નંબર આપીને સોનું ખરીદ્યું છે તેમના નાણાં કાયદેસર છે કે નહીં તે ચકાસવામાં આવે તેવી પૂરી શક્યતા છે. પ્ર: જે બચત હાલમાં બેન્કમાં જમા કરાવવામાં આવે તેને રિટર્નમાં કઇ રીતે દર્શાવી શકાય? જ: જેની પૂરાંત હોય, અગાઉ ઉપાડ્યા હોય તે રકમ જમા કરાવવામાં આવે તો ચિંતા નથી. જો વધારે રકમ જમા કરાવી હોય તો સોર્સ બતાવવો પડશે અને તે આવક ચાલુ વર્ષમાં ગણાશે. પ્ર: અનેક સામાન્ય લોકોએ મકાન ખરીદવા માટે નોંધપાત્ર બચત કરી છે, તેઓ કઇ રીતે તે રકમ જમા કરાવી શકે? જ: જો કેશ વિડ્રોઅલ દ્વારા ઉપાડેલા હશે તેઓ તમામ નાણાં ભરી શકશે, રિટર્નમાં બતાવેલા હશે, તેમણે ચિંતા કરવાની જરૂર નથી. તે સિવાયની રકમ હોય તો તેનો સોર્સ બતાવવો પડશે. પ્ર: સિનિયર સિટિઝન કેટેગરીના કરદાતા જો પોતાના ખાતામાં રુ.2.50 લાખથી વધુ રકમ જમા કરાવે તો આવકવેરા વિભાગની નોટિસનો સામનો કરવો પડી શકે? જ: વરિષ્ઠ નાગરિકોને રુ.3 લાખ સુધી આવકવેરાની છૂટ હોય છે, પરંતુ નોટો રદ થયા બાદની સ્થિતિમાં સરકારી ખુલાસો તમામ માટે એક જ રુ.2.50 લાખ જ છે. પ્ર: ધંધાદારી લોકોએ 8 નવેમ્બર સુધીના બિલ બનાવ્યા હોય અને કેશ આવી હોય તેનું શું કરવું? જ: બિલ પર વેચાણથી આવેલી કેશ ઓન હેન્ડ જમા કરાવવામાં કોઇ ચિંતા નથી. પ્ર: કોઈ વ્યક્તિ પાસે જે પૂરાંત હોય તે એક સાથે ભરવી જરૂરી છે? જ: એ રકમ 30 ડિસેમ્બર સુધીમાં ગમે તેટલા ઇન્સ્ટોલમેન્ટમાં ભરો તો પણ વાંધો નહીં આવે. પ્ર: જે પણ રોકડ ભરવામાં આવે તે આવકવેરા વિભાગમાં લિન્ક થઇ જશે? જ: જે ખાતામાં રુ.2.50 લાખથી વધારે જમા થશે તેના પર જ નજર રખાશે. પ્ર: જેમનું બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ જ ના હોય તેમણે શું કરવું? જ: તેઓ નવું ખાતું ખોલાવીને રોકડ જમા કરાવી શકે છે. પાન કાર્ડ વગર નો-ફ્રીલ એકાઉન્ટ ખોલીને રકમ જમા કરાવી શકાય છે પરંતુ જો જમા કરાવેલી રકમ રુ.50,000થી વધુ થાય તો પાન નંબર આપીને જ ઉપાડી શકાશે. પ્ર: ધાર્મિક ટ્રસ્ટમાં દાનપેટી દ્વારા નાણાં વ્હાઇટ કરવા કેટલાક લોકો વિચારી રહ્યા છે તે શક્ય છે? જ: ગઇ સાલના ભંડારની જે આવક હોય તેને સમકક્ષ હોવી જોઇએ. જો તેમાં મોટી વધઘટ હોય તો વિભાગ તપાસ કરી શકે છે. પ્ર: લોકર સિલ કરવાની ચર્ચા ચાલી રહી છે તેમાં તથ્ય કેટલું? જ: લોકર સિલ થવાની શક્યતા નથી. પ્ર: જો કોઇએ દિવાળી પર પ્રોપર્ટીનો સોદો કરીને બાના પેટે રોકડ રુ.500 અને રુ.1000ની નોટો દ્વારા મેળવ્યા હોય તો એ રકમનું શું કરવું? જ: એ રૂપિયા પર આવકવેરાની જોગવાઇ મુજબ ફ્લેટ 30 ટકા ટેક્સ ભરવો પડશે અને તેમ છતાં કદાચ સેક્શન 270 (એ) હેઠળ પેનલ્ટી લાગવાની શક્યતા છે. (ડિસ્ક્લેઇમર: આ તમામ જવાબો હાલની પરિસ્થિતિને ધ્યાનમાં રાખીને આદર્શ જવાબો છે, છતાં પણ દરેકે પોતાના નાણાંકીય ટ્રેક રેકોર્ડના આધારે પોતાના કન્સલ્ટન્ટની સલાહ લેવી જરૂરી છે.)
स्व. इंदिराजीं ............. Blood telegram या Gary Bass यांनी लिहिलेलं पुस्तक अवश्य वाचा. 1970-71 च्या काळात बांगलादेशात (तेव्हाचे पूर्व पाकिस्तान) Archer Blood हे अमेरिकन Counsel General होते आणि त्यांच्या तत्कालीन अमेरिकन परराष्ट्र खात्याशी झालेल्या पत्रव्यवहारावर आणि व्हाईट हाऊस च्या declassified ऑडिओ टेप्स वर आधारित पुस्तक आहे. अमेरिकन नजरेतून इंदिरा गांधी पाहायला मिळतील. त्यातील दोन प्रसंग इथे मुद्दाम सांगतो.... 1) युद्धपूर्वी इंदिराजी पाकिस्तान लष्कराच्या अत्याचार आणि याह्या खानच्या हुकूमशाही विरोधात जगभर जनमत तयार करत होत्या. स्वर्णसिंग हे मंत्री विशेषतः कार्यरत होते. नियोजित दौऱ्यावर इंदिराजी अमेरिकेत गेल्या. रिचर्ड निक्सन आणि हेन्री किसिंजर हे दोघे इंदिराजींचा अत्यंत द्वेष करत. व्हाईट हाउस च्या डिनरला निक्सन जगातल्या सर्व राष्ट्रांचे राजदूत आणि अमेरिकन सिनेटर याना मुद्दाम बोलावतात. सर्वांसमोर इंदिराजींचा पाणउतारा करायचा हे ठरवलेलं असतं. डिनर पूर्वी भाषणात toast करताना निक्सन अमेरिकेचं प्रभुत्व, अमेरिकेशी दुश्मनी घेतल्याचे दुष्परिणाम वगैरे अनेक विषय बोलून इंदिराजींवर दबाव आणण्यासाठी भाषण करतात. त्यांचे समर्थक जोरदार प्रतिसाद देतात, सर्वाना ते निक्सन यांचं सर्वोत्तम आणि आक्रमक भाषण वाटतं. त्या भाषणांनी आता इंदिराजी अत्यंत घाबरतील असं मत बनतं. भाषणाला उत्तर द्यायला इंदिराजी उभ्या राहतात आणि लेखकांनी लिहिलंय, "त्यानंतर सलग 40 मिनिट इंदिरा गांधी अमेरिकेच्या धोरण आणि नीतीला विवस्त्र करत होत्या. जगातल्या 20-21 देशांमधील अमेरिकेची लुडबुड, अत्याचार, पिळवणूक आणि शोषण त्यांनी स्पष्टपणे उघड मांडलं. किसिंजर यांना आठवण करून दिली कि तुम्ही स्वतः ज्यू असूनसुद्धा दुर्दैवाने हुकूमशाही अत्याचार, खून, बलात्कार या सर्व गोष्टी विसरला आहात. माझ्या देशात काही कोटी पीडित, अत्याचारग्रस्त निर्वासित आले आहेत आणि भारत त्यांना त्यांचा सन्मान, प्रतिष्ठा मिळवून देईल. सोबत असाल तर तुमच्या मदतीनं, नसाल तर एकटा भारत हे करेल". सर्व राजदूत, सिनेटर, अमेरिकन प्रेस हे स्तब्ध, थक्क झालेल्या अवस्थेत सोडून इंदिराजींनी जेवण केलं. 2) भारताने बांगलादेशात लष्कर पाठवून युद्ध सुरु केलं होतं. 8 दिवस उलटले होते. किसिंजर यांच्या सल्यावरून अमेरिकेन त्यांचं 7th fleet ला व्हिएतनाम जवळून बंगालच्या उपसागरात पाठवण्याचा आदेश दिला. अमेरिकेच्या भारतातील राजादूताने इंदिराजींना तसा निरोप पोहोचवला. आता तर इंदिरा गांधी solid घाबरणार आणि युद्धातून माघार घेणार याची खात्रीच अमेरिकेला वाटली. राजादूताने अमेरिकेत कळवलं होतं कि निरोप दिल्याबरोबर इंदिराजींचा चेहरा चिंताक्रांत झाला आणि तात्काळ उठून त्या चालू असलेल्या लोकसभेच्या विशेष अधिवेशनात गेल्या आणि त्यांनी सभागृहाला माहिती दिली आणि सांगितलं कि भारताची यावरील प्रतिक्रिया आणि भूमिका संध्याकाळी रामलीला मैदानावर जाहीर केली जाईल. तिकडे निक्सन आणि किसिंजर एकमेकांचे अभिनंदन करायला लागले, केक मागवला गेला. संध्याकाळी व्हाईट हाउस च्या situation room मध्ये इंदिराजींच्या भाषणाचा अनुवाद थेट फोनवर मिळेल याची व्यवस्था केली गेली. अचानक जाहीर केलेल्या पण लाखोंची उपस्थिती असलेल्या सभेत इंदिरा गांधी म्हणाल्या, "आज अमेरिकेनं धमकीवजा निरोप दिलाय कि त्यांचं 7th fleet आता भारताविरुद्ध बंगालच्या युद्धात उतरेल. अमेरिकेचा मानवी हक्कांबद्दलचा ढोंगीपणा आज उघडा झालाय पण मला त्यांना सांगायचं आहे कि भारत एकही पाऊल मागे हटणार नाही, उलट अत्यंत निकराने हे युद्ध लढेल. अमेरिका या युद्धात पडली, तर संपूर्ण जगाने पाहिलं नसेल असं यशस्वी युद्ध आम्ही लढू. बांगलादेश मुक्त होणारच". Situation room मधली अवस्था बघण्यासारखी होती. आता काय करायचं, युद्धात तर पडायचं नाहीये, नुसतं घाबरवायच होतं पण आता प्रतिआव्हानच मिळालंय, सन्मानजनक माघार तरी कशी घ्यायची याच विवंचनेत निक्सन आणि किसिंजर ची रात्र गेली.
Friday, 11 November 2016
!!==उत्तर प्रदेश में सात चरणों में चुनाव होंगे==!! ================================ सात चरणों में चुनाव जो 4 फरवरी, 8 फरवरी, 11 फरवरी, 15 फरवरी, 19 फरवरी, 23 फरवरी व 28 फरवरी को मुकर्रर की गई है। !!=उत्तरप्रदेश में विस चुनाव के चरणवार कार्यक्रम=!! ------------------------------------------------------ पहला चरण- 4 फरवरी (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 60) नजीबाबाद, नगीना, बढ़ापुर, धामपुर, नहटौर, बिजनौर, चांदपुर, नूरपुर, कांठ, ठाकुरद्वारा, मुरादाबाद देहात, मुरादाबाद शहर, कुंदरकी, बिलारी, चंदौसी, असमौली, सम्भल, स्वार, चमरौआ, बिलासपुर, रामपुर, मिलक, धनौरा, नवगवान सदात, अमरोहा, हसनपुर, गुन्नौर, बिसौली, सहसवान, बिल्सी, बदायूं, शेखूपुर, दातागंज, बहेड़ी, मीरगंज, भोजीपुरा, नवाबगंज, फरीदपुर, बिठारी चैनपुर, बरेली, बरेली कैंट, आंवला, पीलीभीत, बरखेड़ा, पुरनपुर, बीसलपुर, कटरा, जलालाबाद, तिलहर, पुआयां, शाहजहांपुर, ददरौल, पलिया, निघासन, गोला, श्रीनगर, धौरहरा, लखीमपुर, कास्ता व मोहम्मदी। *दूसरा चरण-8 फरवरी* (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 55) महोली, सीतापुर, हरगांव, लहरपुर, बिसवां, सेवता, महमूदाबाद, सिधौली, मिश्रिख, कुर्सी, रामनगर, बाराबंकी, जैदपुर, दरियाबाद, रूदौली, हैदरगढ़, मिल्कीपुर, बीकापुर, अयोध्या, गोसाईगंज, कटेहरी, टांडा, अलापुर, जलालपुर, अकबरपुर, बलहा, नानपारा, मतेरा, महसी, बहराइच, पयागपुर, कैसरगंज, भिंगा, श्रावस्ती, तुलसीपुर, गैंसड़ी, उतरौला, बलरामपुर, मेहनौन, गोंडा, कटराबाजार, कर्नेलगंज, तरबगंज, मनकापुर, गौरा, शोहरतगढ़, कपिलवस्तु, बांसी, इटवा, ड़ुमरियागंज, हरैया, कप्तानगंज,रुधौली, बस्ती सदर व महादेवा। *तीसरा चरण-11 फरवरी* (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 59) मेंहदावल, खलीलाबाद, धनघटा, फरेंदा, नौतनवां, सिसवां, महाराजगंज, पनियारा, कैम्पियरंगज, पिपराइच, गोरखपुर शहर, गोरखपुर देहात, सहजनवां, खजनी, चौरी-चौरा, बांसगांव, चिल्लूपार, खड्डा, पडरौना, तमकुहीराज, फाजिलनगर, खुशीनगर, हाता, रामकोला, रुद्रपुर, देवरिया, पत्थरदेवा, रामपुर करखाना, भाटपुर रानी, सलेमपुर, बरहज, अतरौलिया, गोपालपुर, सगड़ी, मुबारकपुर, आजमगढ़, निजामाबाद, फूलपुर पवाई, दीदारगंज, लालगंज, मेहनगर, मधुबन, घोसी, मुहम्मदाबाद गोहना, मऊ, बेल्थरा रोड, रसड़ा, सिकन्दरपुर, फफेना, बलिया नगर, बांसडीह, बैरिया, जखनिया, सैदपुर, गाजीपुर, जंगीपुर, जहूराबाद, मोहम्मदाबाद तथा जमनिया। *चौथा चरण-15 फरवरी* (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 56) जगदीशपुर [सुरक्षित], गौरीगंज, अमेठी, इसौली, सुल्तानपुर, सदर, लम्भुआ, कादीपुर [सुरक्षित], सिराथू, मंझनपुर [सुरक्षित], चायल, फाफामऊ, सोरांव [सुरक्षित], फूलपुर, प्रतापपुर, हंडिया, मेजा, करछना, इलाहाबाद पश्चिम, इलाहाबाद उत्तर, इलाहाबाद दक्षिण, बारा [सुरक्षित], कोरांव [सुरक्षित], बदलापुर, शाहगंज, जौनपुर, मल्हनी, मुंगरा बादशाहपुर, मछलीशहर [सुरक्षित], मड़ियाहूं, जफराबाद, केराकत [सुरक्षित], मुगलसराय, सकलडीहा, सैयदराजा, चकिया [सुरक्षित], पिंडरा, अजगरा [सुरक्षित], शिवपुर, रोहनिया, वाराणसी उत्तर, वाराणसी दक्षिण, वाराणसी कैंट, सेवापुरी, भदोही, ज्ञानपुर, औराई [सुरक्षित], छानबे [सुरक्षित], मिर्जापुर, मझवा, चुनार, मड़िहान, घोरावल, राबर्ट्सगंज, ओबरा तथा दुद्धी [सुरक्षित] *पांचवां चरण-19 फरवरी* (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 56) सवायजपुर, शाहाबाद, हरदोई, गोपामऊ [सुरक्षित], सांडी [सुरक्षित], बिलग्राम मल्लावां, बालामऊ [सुरक्षित], संडीला, बांगरमऊ, सफीपुर [सुरक्षित], मोहान [सुरक्षित], उन्नाव, भगवंतनगर, पुरवा, मलिहाबाद [सुरक्षित], बख्शी का तालाब, सरोजनी नगर, लखनऊ पश्चिम, लखनऊ उत्तर, लखनऊ पूर्व, लखनऊ मध्य, लखनऊ कैंट, मोहनलालगंज [सुरक्षित], बछरावां [सुरक्षित], तिलोई, हरचंदपुर, रायबरेली, सलोन [सुरक्षित], सरैनी, उंचाहार, कायमगंज [सुरक्षित], अमृतपुर, फर्रुखाबाद, भोजपुर, छिबरामऊ, तिरवा, कन्नौज [सुरक्षित], तिंदवारी, बबेरू, नरैनी [सुरक्षित], बांदा, चित्रकूट, मानिकपुर, जहानाबाद, बिंदकी, फतेहपुर, अयाह शाह, हुसैनगंज, खागा [सुरक्षित], रामपुर खास, बाबागंज [सुरक्षित], कुंडा, विश्वनाथ गंज, प्रतापगढ़, पट्टी तथा रानीगंज *छठा चरण-23 फरवरी* (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 49) टुंडला [सुरक्षित], जसराना, फिरोजाबाद, शिकोहाबाद, सिरसागंज, कासगंज, अमांपुर, पटियाली, अलीगंज, एटा, मारहरा, जलेसर [सुरक्षित], मैनपुरी, भोगांव, किशनी [सुरक्षित], करहल, जसवंतनगर, इटावा, भरथना [सुरक्षित], बिधूना, दिबियापुर, औरैया [सुरक्षित], रसूलाबाद [सुरक्षित], अकबरपुर-रनिया, सिकंदरा, भोगनीपुर, बिल्हौर [सुरक्षित], बिठूर, कल्याणपुर, गोविंदनगर, सीसामऊ, आर्यनगर, किदवई नगर, कानपुर कैंट, महाराजपुर, घाटमपुर [सुरक्षित], माधौगढ़, कालपी, उरई [सुरक्षित], बबीना, झांसी नगर, मौरानीपुर, [सुरक्षित], गरौठा, ललितपुर, मेहरौनी [सुरक्षित], हमीरपुर, राठ [सुरक्षित], महोबा, चरखारी *सातवां चरण-28 फरवरी* (विधानसभा क्षेत्र 68) बेहट, नकुड़, सहारनपुर नगर, सहारनपुर, देवबंद, रामपुर मनिहारन [सुरक्षित], गंगोह, कैराना, थाना भवन, शामली, बुधाना, चरथावल, पुरकाजी [सुरक्षित], मुजफ्फरनगर, खटौली, मीरापुर, सिवालखास, सरधना, हस्तिनापुर [सुरक्षित], किठौर, मेरठ कैंट, मेरठ, मेरठ दक्षिण, छपरौली, बड़ौत, बागपत, लोनी, मुरादनगर, साहिबाबाद, गाजियाबाद, मोदीनगर, धौलाना, हापुड़ [सुरक्षित], गढ़मुक्तेश्वर, नोयडा, दादरी, जेवर, सिकंदराबाद, बुलंदशहर, स्याना, अनूपशहर, डिबाई, शिकारपुर, खुर्जा [सुरक्षित], खैर [सुरक्षित], बरौली, अतरौली, छर्रा, कोइल, अलीगढ़, इगलास [सुरक्षित], हाथरस [सुरक्षित], सादाबाद, सिकंदरा राव, छाता, मांट, गोवर्धन, मथुरा, बलदेव [सुरक्षित], एत्मादपुर, आगरा कैंट [सुरक्षित], आगरा दक्षिण, आगरा उत्तर, आगरा ग्रामीण [सुरक्षित], फतेहपुर सीकरी, खैरागढ़, फतेहाबाद तथा बाह।
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Long message, but important info Some good practices to keep your money safe 🤑🤑🤑 _*Accounts*_ *1) Make two bank accounts.* Primary account and Secondary account Keep all your money in Primary and never use it for online transactions. Never use Primary Debit card anywhere. Use the Secondary account for all the spending and withdrawing money from ATM. Transfer money from Primary account when needed and keep balance under Rs 10,000. _*Cards*_ *1) Use Credit Card as much as possible* So that the liability is on banks. Debit cards means your money is gone. In credit card payments banks can delay or revert the fraudulent payment but not in case of debit card payment. So credit card is safer choice for transactions If you aren't earning a handsome salary or have bad credit score just put an FD of 25,000 and get a Credit Card against it. Never ever use your Debit Card for online shopping or at POS terminals. *2) Get a safer chip based card* A duplicate copy of magnetic cards can be made in minutes, chip based cards cannot be copied easily. *3) Never let your cards out of your sight* When paying bills at some restaurant, ask them to bring the POS machine to you or you yourself go to the machine. Also grab that receipt, check, and tear. *4) Always hide the keypad* Those devices that you swipe that card have walls to hide your fingers so that no one can see what you're typing, that isn't adequate, cover the top of your hand as well. Don't punch in the numbers by making a fist and taking the index fingers out. Instead, type like a person playing the piano, i.e: all four fingers resting or hovering over the keypad. _*ATM*_ *1) Always go and inspect the ATM thoroughly* It hardly takes 15-20 seconds to ensure there's no skimmer in the slot, no camera of device watching your pin etc. The people behind you can wait. *2) Always tear up ATM receipts into pieces before you throw into the dustbin* *3) Never display or show off with the money you just got from ATM* When the machine gives you cash, count and put that cash inside your wallet or purse while being in the ATM itself, don't do so while coming out of the ATM or outside. _*Phones and Computers*_ *1) Only install apps from official stores like Google play store or Apple store* Don't use pirated apps on your phone, it could be infected with adwares and spywares. *2) Always update your browsers, apps and antivirus definitions on your computer* *3) Always check for HTTPS in your browser when making online transactions* *4) Never click on links that arrive in text messages, emails, WhatsApp* Some of them run scripts and can send all your info to the hacker. If a friend sends you link to check out something on Flipkart, better go and search that thing yourself instead of clicking the link *5) Never use any device other than your personal device to access your account* You'll often find people suggesting you not to use public computer systems to access your accounts, but whenever I see any of my relatives' or sometimes friends' systems, they tend to have some sort of malware or unwanted but suspicious browser extensions installed. You cannot be sure how technically sound your relatives/friends are in protecting their computers, so best to avoid their devices for banking transactions. *6) Use two-factor authentication if your bank provides that option* Make sure your phone is locked and SMS that you get aren't visible on the locked screen. If you do not take care of this part, having a two-factor authentication kind of loses it's purpose, since gaining access to your unlocked phone pretty much gives someone access to your email ID (to reset password) and SMS (for two-factor authentication). _*Passwords*_ *1) Change your netbanking password, ATM pin regularly (3 months)* *2) Never reuse banking passwords in other sites* Always have separate banking passwords for all accounts and make sure they are not even similar. If you're the kind of person who cannot remember passwords, write down password hints for yourself such that only you can figure out what the password is from that hint. This means you cannot use passwords hints like "son's name + wife's DOB". *3) Use Keepass password manager if you are tech savvy* Otherwise write your passwords on a paper and keep it very very safe _*Others*_ *1) Stop giving out your phone number and email id.* Do not register your phone numbers at places where it's not needed. Online offers that look too good to be true like '50 lucky registered winners will get free iPhone 7' actually are too good to be true. Shopper's stop or Reliance fresh asking you for your phone number during checkout? Don't give it to them! Your number ends up in their spamming database. And if any of these numbers end up in the hands of a company that specializes in scamming, that can land you in trouble. I've gotten calls from people multiple times claiming they're calling from my bank (they knew my bank name, my phone number and my name, so I would suspect they were who they claimed they were). But then they ask you to verify yourself by telling you your address and other details. Slowly they'll make their way to your debit card number. *Do not give out such sensitive details to anyone on phone, even if they claim they're from your bank, no matter how genuine they sound.* *2) Don't share your email id, birth date on social media. If you have FB, then hide them.* *3) Unlist from TrueCaller* _How exactly does Truecaller help the scammers you ask?_ They get your Phone Number from someplace They get your Name from TrueCaller Then they Internet Search your name, Get your info like DOB, PAN With this information they get duplicate sims from your cellphone provider and Reset your passwords. *4) Always be safe with money* There are people inside a bank, one that marks other people taking out money, other, that's outside and puts a game on you. These guys are pro's, if they've targeted you, then chances are there's a very good reason for it. They see you are weakling and either steal or dacoit, that is what they will do. Rare, but still happens. A young bodied guy is less likely to get duped, but your mom, aunt, grandma/pa is a bull's eye for them thieves. Accompany them if you can. Money is a strange thing, and people will do anything to have more of it. Credits to _2_4_8, HighLevelJerk, Culturally_unfit, ppatra, _will_code_for_beer, bhuddimaan *This forward may actually save people's life and their hard earned money* *_Please spread awareness_*
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
The state urban development department on Friday issued a small note on the provisions of Real Estate Regulator Act (RERA), whose rules have been notified in the state just before Diwali. Apart from notifying the setting up of a regulatory authority, there are several features of RERA that will ensure a fair real estate deal to a buyer, the note mentioned. RERA will ensure that developers park 70% of the construction project fund in a dedicated bank account. This will prevent developers from investing in numerous new projects with the proceeds of the booking money for one project — which delayed handover of units to consumers. Another major change that will be seen is that the usual deduction of up to 42% in space of a property in the name of built-up and super built-up area is now “illegal”. “The extra space that a builder usually lost was nothing more than 13% to 18%. But the developer used to deduct 42% in the name of super built-up and built-up areas. This will no more be possible,” said a senior urban development official. “The builder has to now charge on actual carpet area. This may even lead to a hike in prices by at least Rs 300 per square feet in new properties,” said the official. RERA also makes it mandatory for developers to post all information on project plan, layout, government approvals, land title status, sub contractors to the project, schedule for completion with the State Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). “Earlier the builder used to show a second lay out plan to the consumer and not what has been approved by the civic body. It is for this reason that many features that had been promised during marketing never made it on ground,” said the UDD official. Today, if any real estate project is delayed, the developer does not suffer. Now, the law ensures that any delay in project completion will make the developer liable for the extra interest the consumer has to pay to bank on EMIs.
The state urban development department on Friday issued a small note on the provisions of Real Estate Regulator Act (RERA), whose rules have been notified in the state just before Diwali. Apart from notifying the setting up of a regulatory authority, there are several features of RERA that will ensure a fair real estate deal to a buyer, the note mentioned. RERA will ensure that developers park 70% of the construction project fund in a dedicated bank account. This will prevent developers from investing in numerous new projects with the proceeds of the booking money for one project — which delayed handover of units to consumers. Another major change that will be seen is that the usual deduction of up to 42% in space of a property in the name of built-up and super built-up area is now “illegal”. “The extra space that a builder usually lost was nothing more than 13% to 18%. But the developer used to deduct 42% in the name of super built-up and built-up areas. This will no more be possible,” said a senior urban development official. “The builder has to now charge on actual carpet area. This may even lead to a hike in prices by at least Rs 300 per square feet in new properties,” said the official. RERA also makes it mandatory for developers to post all information on project plan, layout, government approvals, land title status, sub contractors to the project, schedule for completion with the State Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). “Earlier the builder used to show a second lay out plan to the consumer and not what has been approved by the civic body. It is for this reason that many features that had been promised during marketing never made it on ground,” said the UDD official. Today, if any real estate project is delayed, the developer does not suffer. Now, the law ensures that any delay in project completion will make the developer liable for the extra interest the consumer has to pay to bank on EMIs.
Monday, 7 November 2016
🍎 *In GST Afternoon* 🍓 --------------------------------------------- 🍍 *Important Questions of the Day regarding Registration under GST* 🍇 GST Registration for Existing Tax Payers Starts ! 🍮 The Questions deal with almost all common question and is divided in *Part A , Part B , Part C & Part D* 🌳 *Part-A: – General Information* 🌴 🍍 *1. Who is an existing taxpayer?* 👉 An existing taxpayer is an entity currently registered under any of the Acts as specified below:- a. Central Excise b. Service Tax c. State Sales Tax / VAT (except exclusive liquor dealers if registered under VAT) d. Entry Tax e. Luxury Tax f. Entertainment Tax (except levied by the local bodies) 🍍 *2. What does the word ‘enrolment’ under GST system portal mean?* 👉 Enrolment under GST means validating the data of existing taxpayers and filling up the remaining key fields. 🍍 *3. Do I need to enroll for GST?* 👉 All existing taxpayers registered under any of the Acts as specified in Q1 will be transitioned to GST. Enrolment for GST will ensure smooth transition to GST regime. The data available with various tax authorities is incomplete and thus fresh enrolment has been planned. Also, this will ensure latest data is available in GST Database without any recourse to amendment process, which is the norm to update the data under tax statutes today. 🍍 *4. Why do I need to enroll myself as a user on the GST System Portal?* 👉 GST System portal has been created for this purpose as no paper based enrolment will be allowed. You need to enroll as a user on the *GST system portal,* so that you may be enabled as a registrant for GST Compliance requirement viz. return filling, tax payment, etc. 🍍 *5. When do I need to enroll with the GST Systems Portal?* 👉 The taxpayers registered under any Acts as specified under Q1 are required to enroll at GST System Portal. State VAT and Central Excise can start enrolling from November, 2016 on GST System Portal as per plan indicated on GST System portal. The taxpayers registered under Service Tax will be enrolled on a later date for which separate intimation will be sent. 🍍 *6. Is there any concept of deemed enrolment on GST System Portal?* 👉 *No.* There is no deemed enrolment on GST system portal. All the taxpayers registered under any of the Acts as specified in Q1, are expected to visit the GST System Portal and enroll themselves. 🍍 *7. Is there any fee/charge levied for the enrolment on GST System Portal?* 👉 *No.* There is no fee/charge levied for the enrolment of a taxpayer with GST System Portal. 🌳 *8. Is the enrolment process different for taxpayers registered under Centre /State/UT tax Acts as specified in Q1?* 👉 *No.* The enrolment process is common for all taxpayers registered under Centre/State/UT tax Acts as specified in Q1. 🌳 *9. Are taxpayers required to enroll separately with Central and State authorities under GST?* 👉 *No,* any person who wants to seek enrolment under the GST Act has to apply on the GST System Portal. Enrolment under the GST is common for both Central GST and the State GST. There will be common registration, common return and common Challan for Central and State * 🍉 *10. What information should be readily available with me before I begin to enroll with GST?* 👉 Before enrolling with GST System Portal, you must ensure to have the following information/ documents avail able with you:- I. Provisional ID received from State/Central Authorities; II. Password received from the State/Central Authorities; III. Valid Email Address; IV. Valid Mobile Number; V. Bank Account Number VI. Bank IFSC *Documents* a. Proof of Constitution of Business : i. In case of Partnership firm: Partnership Deed of Partnership Firm (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) ii. In case of Others: Registration Certificate of the Business Entity (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) b. Photograph of Promoters/ Partners/Karta of HUF (JPEG format in maximum size of 100 KB) c. Proof of Appointment of Authorized Signatory (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) d. Photograph of Authorized Signatory (JPEG format in maximum size of 100 KB) e. Opening page of Bank Passbook / Statement containing Bank Account Number of < Account Number>, Address of Branch, Address of Account holder and few transaction details (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) 🍎 _*Part-B: – System Specific Information*_ 🍇 🍊 *12. Which username do I need to provide during first time login. Can I use the same username and password which I used to login as State registrant?* 👉 For the first time login, you need to provide username and password that you received from the State VAT/Centre Tax Department. For subsequent login, you need to enter username and password as created by you while enrolling with GST System Portal. 🍊 *13. What user ID can I choose after first login?* 👉 You may choose any user ID of your choice, provided it is available in the database while you are registering. 🍊 *14. I have not received my username and password to apply for enrolment with GST. What do I do now?* 👉 In case you have not received your user name and password, you can contact your jurisdictional State/Centre authorities. 🍊 *15. Can I give email address and mobile number of my Tax Professional during enrolment with GST?* 👉 *No,* you should not give the email address and mobile number of Tax Professional or anyone else. You MUST provide the email address and mobile number of the primary Authorized Signatory appointed by you or yourself. All future correspondence/communication from the GST System Portal will be sent on the registered mobile Number and email address only. *Tax professionals will be given separate user ID and password form GST system and they will provide their own email Id and mobile number for that purpose.* 🍊 *16. Who can be the Primary Authorized Signatory?* 👉A Primary authorized signatory is the person who is *primarily responsible to perform action on the GST System Portal on behalf of taxpayer.* All communication from the GST System Portal relating to taxpayer will be sent to him. For example:- in case of proprietor, the proprietor himself or any person authorized by him, in case of partnership any of the partner authorized or any person authorized, in case of Company/LLP, Society, Trust, the person who is authorized by Board or Governing Body etc. can act as Primary authorized signatory. Copy of authorization needs to be uploaded. 🎂 In case of multiple authorized signatory for single business entity, one authorized signatory should be designated as primary authorized signatory and email and mobile number of that person shall be provided at the enrolment. 🍿In case of single authorized signatory for a business entity, he shall be assumed as primary authorized signatory for that business entity. 🍊 *17. How long the OTP is valid?* 👉The OTP sent to your email address and mobile number is valid for <15> minutes. It expires after 15 minutes. *18. I have not received the OTP on my mobile? What do I do now?* Your OTP would be sent on your registered mobile number and e mail address on GST System Portal. If you have not received the OTP within 15 minutes, you may choose to receive it again by clicking the RESEND OTP button. 19. What if I don’t receive the OTP Even after clicking the RESEND OTP button? If you do not receive the OTP via SMS on your mobile number even after clicking the RESEND OTP button, please verify if the mobile number provided by you is correct. If you do not receive the OTP on your email address even after clicking the RESEND OTP button, please verify that your email address entered is correct and the Internet and mobile network are available. 20. Why I have received two One Time Passwords (OTPs) for email and mobile? Separate OTPs are sent to on email address and mobile number to validate them. Thus two separate OTPs are sent. All future correspondence from the GST System Portal will be sent on the registered email address and mobile number only. Therefore, there is need to validate both mobile number and email address. 21. I have received OTP in my mobile. I have entered the same OTP in the OTP verification page for Email OTP and Mobile OTP. Are these OTPs different? You must have received two different One Time Passwords (OTPs) on your email address and mobile number. Enter the OTP received on your email address and mobile number in the Email OTP and Mobile OTP fields respectively. If you have entered same OTP in both of your email and mobile OTP fields, your validation would be failed with error message. 22. Which details are prefilled in the enrolment application for enrolling with GST? Following details are auto-populated in the enrolment application based on your existing data: • PAN of the Business • Legal Name of Business • State • Reason of liability to obtain registration • Email Addressed and Mobile number of primary Authorized Signatory entered during enrolling with GST System Portal. 23. What does the red asterisk (*) appearing besides the fields in the enrolment application indicate? Red asterisk (*) indicates mandatory field. Any field marked with the red asterisk need to be filled in necessarily to proceed ahead with the enrolment application. 24. Can I make changes in in my Legal Name, State Name and PAN in the enrolment application? You cannot make changes to Legal Name, State name and PAN as appearing in the enrolment application. These details have been migrated from existing tax systems of State or Center, as the case may be. 25. How to find out my State Jurisdiction? Refer your VAT Registration Certificate to find your State Jurisdiction. It is the same jurisdiction as given in your existing VAT Registration Certificate. 26. How to find out my Ward / Circle / Sector No? Refer to your VAT Registration Certificate to find your Ward / Circle / Sector No. It is the same ward /Circle/ Sector where you are registered. 27. How to find out my Center Jurisdiction? If you are registered with Central Excise, refer the Registration Certificate to find your Centre Jurisdiction. If you are only a VAT registered dealer, you need to find your central jurisdiction based on the address of your Principal place of Business. You may visit CBEC website for details (refer URL – restruct/cadre-restructg-notifications.pdf). 28. I am not able to upload any document. Why? You first need to check your internet connectivity. You should also ensure that the format of document must be either PDF or JPEG with maximum size of 1 MB. In case of photographs, the format should be in JPEG and maximum size allowed is 100 KB. 29. I filled all the details in the Business Details page while filling the form. But now all the fields are appearing blank. Why? You need to save every page after filling all the details. Click the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the page to save the entered details and then proceed further to enter details in the other tabs. 30. What is DIN? DIN stands for Director Identification Numbers given to Directors of a Company by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. To know your DIN, refer your DIN allotment letter issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs or visit the MCA portal – 31. I don’t have my Aadhaar Number. Is it mandatory to provide the Aadhaar Number? For filing of enrolment application Aadhaar is not mandatory. However, at the time of submission of your enrolment application at GST System Portal, you would be required to use DSC or Aadhaar based E-Signing. 32. What is Principal Place of Business? Principal Place of Business is the primary location within the State where a taxpayer’s business is performed. The principal place of business is generally where the business’s books of accounts and records are kept and is often where the head of the firm or at least top management is located. 33. What is Additional Place of Business? Additional Place of business is the place of business where taxpayer carries out business related activities within the State, in addition to the Principal Place of Business. 34. What is HSN and SAC code? HSN stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature which is internationally accepted product coding system to maintain uniformity in classification of goods. Service Accounting Codes (SAC) are adopted by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) for identification of the services. 35. Which bank account should I provide while enrolling with GST System Portal? The Bank accounts used for the purpose of carrying out business transactions must be provided while enrolling with GST System Portal. 36. I have more than one bank account. Can I add all of them while enrolling with GST System Portal? You can add maximum of 10 Bank accounts while enrolling with GST System Portal. 37. Is DSC mandatory for enrolment DSC is mandatory for enrolment by Companies, Foreign Companies, Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) and Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLPs). For other taxpayers, DSC is optional. 38. My DSC is not registered with GST System Portal? Will I be able to submit my enrolment application with DSC? You cannot submit the enrolment application if your DSC is not registered with GST System Portal. Therefore, you need to register your DSC on GST System Portal by clicking “register your DSC”. 39. How can I register my DSC with GST Portal? If you have valid DSC, you can visit GST System Portal and click on “Register your DSC” link. The PAN of the DSC holder should match with the PAN database of the CBDT. After validation the user should select the certificate link which is to be registered. Only class -2 or Class 3 DSC can be registered in the GST System Portal. 40. What is E-Sign? How does it work? E-Sign stands for Electronic Signature. E-Sign is an online electronic signature service to facilitate an Aadhaar holder to digitally sign a document. If the Applicant opts to electronically sign using the E-Sign service, the following actions are performed:- Taxpayer need to click on “E sign” button. System will ask to enter Aadhaar number of Authorized signatory. 1. After validating the Aadhaar Number, the GST system Portal Will send a request to UIDAI system to send a One Time Password (OTP). 2. UIDAI system will send OTP to email address and mobile number registered against Aadhaar number. System will prompt user to enter OTP. The user will enter the OTP and submit the document. The e-Signing process is complete. 41. Is there any charge applicable on submission of the application for enrolment? No, there is no charge applicable on submission of the application for enrolment with GST System Portal. 42. What is ARN? ARN is the Application Reference Number generated after the submission of the enrolment application with E-Sign or Digital Signature (DSC). It is a unique number assigned to each transaction completed at the GST System Portal. Note the ARN can be used for future correspondence with GSTN. 43. What is the format of ARN?  44.I am an existing taxpayer registered under Central Excise/ Service Tax and State VAT legislations. I have successfully submitted the details sought by GSTN as per application prescribed under model GST Law. What will happen next? Application Reference Number (ARN) will be generated after the successful submission of the enrolment application at the GST System Portal. You can use this ARN to track the status of your application. 45. I have not yet received the Application Reference Number (ARN). What should I do now? If you don’t receive ARN within 15 minutes, an email will be sent to you with detailed instructions for further course of action. 46. While entering the details, internet connection was lost. How can I retrieve the saved enrolment form? To retrieve the saved enrolment form, login to the GST System Portal with valid credentials. Go to Dashboard > My Saved Application menu. Click the Edit button to retrieve the saved enrolment form. 47. I got an email that there is a mismatch during PAN validation. What should I do now? You need to login to the GST System Portal and fill the details as per your PAN details and resubmit the enrolment application. 48. My DSC has expired / revoked? What do I do now? You need to re-register your valid DSC with GST. Login to the GST System Portal with valid credentials. Go to Dashboard > Register / Update DSC menu. In case of revocation, another valid DSC has to be registered with GST System Portal. 49. Is there any Help Desk Facility available? Yes, Help Desk facility will be available and it will be displayed on the GST System Portal. 🍎 *Part-C: – Activities after appointed* 🍇 50. Can application for enrolment get rejected? Yes, the application for enrollment with GST System Portal can be rejected in case you have furnished/uploaded wrong or fake or incorrect document with your DSC or E- Sign. However, the applicant will be provided reasonable opportunity of being heard where applicant taxpayer can present his/her viewpoints. 51. Can I make amendments after I submit the enrolment application? You can make amendments to the enrolment application from appointed date onwards. 52. Can I change mobile no. and email id as given at the time of enrolment? You can change mobile no. and email id as given at the time of enrolment application after appointed date onwards through amendment process. 53. When will I get Provisional Registration Certificate? It will be available on your dashboard on the appointed date if you have filled enrolment application successfully. 54. When will I get Final Registration Certificate? The final Registration Certificate will be provided to you after verification of documents (within 6 months) by proper officer(s) center/state of concerned jurisdiction (s) after appointed date. 🍎 _*Part-D: – Miscellaneous*_ 🌶 🌴 *55. I have multiple businesses in one state under the same PAN. Do I need to enroll each business separately with GST?* 👉 As one PAN allows one GST Registration in a state, you may register one business entity first. For the remaining business verticals within the State please get in touch with your jurisdictional authority. 🌴 *56. What is ISD Registration?* 👉 ISD stands for Input Service Distributor. An Input Service Distributor means the person who distributes credit, in respect of the tax invoices of the services received at the head office, to its branches where the services have been supplied actually. Tax invoice here means, the invoice issued under section 23 of the Model Goods and Services Act, if you are an existing ISD Taxpayer, you need to apply afresh in the GST System Portal for the State where you desire to seek registration. For that you need to inform your Central jurisdictional authority. 🍑 Thank you for reading
Sunday, 6 November 2016
*Must Read* *"When I'll be dead.....,* *Your tears will flow,..* *But I won't know...* *Cry for me now instead !* (कल जब मैं मर जाऊंगा, तब तुम मेरे लिए आंसू बहाआगे .....पर मुझे पता नही चलेगा तो ....उसके बजाय मेरे लिए आज रोओ ना...) *You will send flowers,..* *But I won't see...* *Send them now instead !* (तुम मेरे लिए फूल चढ़ाओगे .....पर मैं तो नही देखूंगा तो .....उसके बजाय मुझे आज फूल दो ना) *You'll say words of praise,..* *But I won't hear..* *Praise me now instead !* (कल तुम मेरी तारीफ़ में लफ्ज़ बोलोगे पर मैं तो नही सुन पाऊंगा तो उसके बजाय आज तारीफ़ के लफ्ज़ बोलो ना) *You'll forget my faults,..* *But I won't know...* *Forget them now, Instead !* (कल तुम मेरी गलतियां भूल जाओगे पर मुझे नही पता चलेगा, तो उसके बजाय आज मेरी गलतियां भूल जाओ ना) *You'll miss me then,...* *But I won't feel...* *Miss me now, instead* (मेरे बाद तुम मेरे लिए तड़पोगे पर मैं नही महसूस करूँगा तो उसके बजाय आज मेरे लिए तड़पो ना) *You'll wish...* *You could have spent more time with me,...* *Spend it now instead !!"* (कल तुम तमन्ना करोगे की.... काश मेरे साथ और वख्त बिता पाते तो ....उसके उसके बजाय मेरे साथ आज वख्त बिताओ ना) Moral...... Spend time with every person you love, Every one you care for. Make them feel special, For you never know when time will take them away from you
Saturday, 5 November 2016
GST Registration shall start on 8.11.2016 at Assessees with verified PAN shall be allowed to fill details & submit proofs. All the taxpayers registered under any of the Acts as specified viz. taxes which are subsumed , are expected to visit the GST System Portal and enroll themselves. Before enrolling with GST System Portal, you must ensure to have the following information/ documents available with you:- I. Provisional ID received from State/Central Authorities; II. Password received from the State/Central Authorities; III. Valid Email Address; IV. Valid Mobile Number; V. Bank Account Number VI. Bank IFSC Documents a. Proof of Constitution of Business: i. In case of Partnership firm: Partnership Deed of Partnership Firm (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) ii. In case of Others: Registration Certificate of the Business Entity (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) b. Photograph of Promoters/ Partners/Karta of HUF (JPEG format in maximum size of 100 KB) c. Proof of Appointment of Authorized Signatory (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB) d. Photograph of Authorized Signatory (JPEG format in maximum size of 100 KB) e. Opening page of Bank Passbook / Statement containing Bank Account Number of < Account Number>, Address of Branch, Address of Account holder and few transaction details (PDF and JPEG format in maximum size of 1 MB)
Thursday, 3 November 2016
यह मैसेज जितनी बार पढे उतना कम ही है । एक प्रोफ़ेसर कक्षा में आये और उन्होंने छात्रों से कहा कि वे आज जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण पाठ पढाने वाले हैं ... उन्होंने अपने साथ लाई एक काँच की बडी बरनी ( जार ) टेबल पर रखा और उसमें टेबल टेनिस की गेंदें डालने लगे और तब तक डालते रहे जब तक कि उसमें एक भी गेंद समाने की जगह नहीं बची ... उन्होंने छात्रों से पूछा - क्या बरनी पूरी भर गई ? हाँ ... आवाज आई ... फ़िर प्रोफ़ेसर साहब ने छोटे - छोटे कंकर उसमें भरने शुरु किये धीरे - धीरे बरनी को हिलाया तो काफ़ी सारे कंकर उसमें जहाँ जगह खाली थी , समा गये , फ़िर से प्रोफ़ेसर साहब ने पूछा , क्या अब बरनी भर गई है , छात्रों ने एक बार फ़िर हाँ ... कहा अब प्रोफ़ेसर साहब ने रेत की थैली से हौले - हौले उस बरनी में रेत डालना शुरु किया , वह रेत भी उस जार में जहाँ संभव था बैठ गई , अब छात्र अपनी नादानी पर हँसे ... फ़िर प्रोफ़ेसर साहब ने पूछा , क्यों अब तो यह बरनी पूरी भर गई ना ? हाँ .. अब तो पूरी भर गई है .. सभी ने एक स्वर में कहा .. सर ने टेबल के नीचे से चाय के दो कप निकालकर उसमें की चाय जार में डाली , चाय भी रेत के बीच स्थित थोडी सी जगह में सोख ली गई ... प्रोफ़ेसर साहब ने गंभीर आवाज में समझाना शुरु किया इस काँच की बरनी को तुम लोग अपना जीवन समझो .... टेबल टेनिस की गेंदें सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग अर्थात भगवान , परिवार , बच्चे , मित्र , स्वास्थ्य और शौक हैं , छोटे कंकर मतलब तुम्हारी नौकरी , कार , बडा़ मकान आदि हैं , और रेत का मतलब और भी छोटी - छोटी बेकार सी बातें , मनमुटाव , झगडे़ है .. अब यदि तुमने काँच की बरनी में सबसे पहले रेत भरी होती तो टेबल टेनिस की गेंदों और कंकरों के लिये जगह ही नहीं बचती , या कंकर भर दिये होते तो गेंदें नहीं भर पाते , रेत जरूर आ सकती थी ... ठीक यही बात जीवन पर लागू होती है ... यदि तुम छोटी - छोटी बातों के पीछे पडे़ रहोगे और अपनी ऊर्जा उसमें नष्ट करोगे तो तुम्हारे पास मुख्य बातों के लिये अधिक समय नहीं रहेगा ... मन के सुख के लिये क्या जरूरी है ये तुम्हें तय करना है । अपने बच्चों के साथ खेलो , बगीचे में पानी डालो , सुबह पत्नी के साथ घूमने निकल जाओ , घर के बेकार सामान को बाहर निकाल फ़ेंको , मेडिकल चेक - अप करवाओ ... टेबल टेनिस गेंदों की फ़िक्र पहले करो , वही महत्वपूर्ण है ... पहले तय करो कि क्या जरूरी है ... बाकी सब तो रेत है .. छात्र बडे़ ध्यान से सुन रहे थे .. अचानक एक ने पूछा , सर लेकिन आपने यह नहीं बताया कि " चाय के दो कप " क्या हैं ? प्रोफ़ेसर मुस्कुराये , बोले .. मैं सोच ही रहा था कि अभी तक ये सवाल किसी ने क्यों नहीं किया ... इसका उत्तर यह है कि , जीवन हमें कितना ही परिपूर्ण और संतुष्ट लगे , लेकिन अपने खास मित्र के साथ दो कप चाय पीने की जगह हमेशा होनी चाहिए। (अगर अच्छा लगे तो अपने ख़ास मित्रों और निकटजनों को यह विचार तत्काल भेजें.... मैंने तो अभी-अभी यही किया है) 😊😋😊
Over 1436 years ago, when a child was born, Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) made it his practice to take a small part of a date and place it in his mouth. He would then chew it until it was soft and then rub it onto the palate of the new born baby. This is called Tahneek in Islam. Today, BBC News has reported that "experts" have said - "A dose of sugar given as a gel rubbed into the inside of the cheek is a cheap and effective way to protect premature babies against brain damage" This is why Muslims follow the practice of the prophet without questioning it. 😊 Science is only now discovering a tradition that was introduced 1436 years ago because Islam was and still in the forefront of development. Link to the article - Let this be known to all,especially Muslims that Islam is not a primitive religion. SubhanAllah.....all praise to Allah swt [10/2, 04:35] Tanko Yakasai OFR: Interesting "...If The Headache Is In Front Of The Head, It's Treatment Is Sleeping. If It's On Top Of The Head, It's Treatment Is Eating And Drinking Water. If The Headache Is At The Back Of Your Head, Then It's Treatment Is Releasing Stress. The Treatment Of Increasing The Power Of Your Eyesight. This Is Very Important To Those Whom Eyes Are Weak And Also To Everyone. Eye Muscles Suffer As Days Pass By, Which Will Lead To Them Not Capable Of Having Eye Contact The Accurate Way. In Order To Restore Power In Our Eyesight And Keep Them Always Powerful, We Need To Follow The Following Sunnah In Our Salah. We Should Always Keep Our Eyes Open During The Sujuud And Stand Up While Looking At The Sujuud Spot And Keep Your Eyes Focused On The Spot Of Sujuud Throughout Your Salah. The Wisdom Behind Looking At The Sujuud Spot Is That While In Rukuu, The Eye Muscles Will Pressure The Lens To Increase Vision And While You Get Up The Eye Muscles Will Loosen. While In Sujuud The Lens Will Shrink Because Of The Distance Between The Eyes And The Ground. When You Get Up Again It'll Loosen The Eye Muscles. This Practice We Are Doing Each Day Is Exercising Our Eye Muscles. We Can Perform Each Day 17 Times Or As Much As We Want. Our Prophet (SAW) Was Always Instructing To Open Our Eyes During Sujuud And Now Scientists Have Proven That This Practice Works In Increasing The Power Of Eyesight. Subhan Allah For This Great Wisdom Of Opening Our Eyes During Sujuud. This Deserves To Be Read And Shared With Others. Share And Don't Stop Yourself From Getting Reward From Allah SWT 😊..." A Non Muslim Scientist Proved We Are More Electrically Charged Now Than Ever Before Due To The Electromagnetic Radiations From The Things Like: Mobile, TV, AC, Microwave etc, And If We Don't Want This Radiation To Harm Us, We Should Place Our Forehead On The Floor More Than Once A Day As The Earth Can Absorb Radiation. We Muslims Are Gifted With 5 Times Salaat To Touch Our Heads Downs i.e. 92 Sajdahs Everyday. Subhaan Allah.! There Is Always Wisdom Behind Allah's Commandments. "WHICH OF THE FAVOURS OF YOUR LORD WILL YOU DENY"? (Surah Rahman) If This Inspired You, Why Not Share It ! With Everyone.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
How Income Tax can be abolished and yet make India stronger. Read in full the wonderful paper. I personally feel the Sansthan should gift the proposal to India. Arthakranti Proposal What is Arthakranti Proposal and who has given the proposal? “Arthakranti Proposal” has been given by a Pune (Maharashtra) based “Arthakranti Sansthan” which is an Economic Advisory body constituted by a group of Chartered Accountants and Engineers. The fundamental framework has been patented by the Sansthan. Arthakranti Proposal is an effective and guaranteed solution of Black Money Generation, Price rise and Inflation, Corruption, Fiscal Deficit, Unemployment, Ransom, GDP and industrial growth, terrorism and good governance. What is in the Proposal ? “Arthakranti Proposal has FIVE point of actions simultaneously. (1) Scrap all 56 Taxes including income tax excluding import duty. (2) Recall and scrap high denomination currencies of 1000, 500 and 100 rupees. (3) All high value transaction to be made only through banking system like cheque, DD, online and electronic. (4) Fix limit of cash transaction and no taxing on cash transaction. (5) For Govt. revenue collection introduce single point tax system through banking system – Banking Transaction Tax (2% to 0.7%) on only Credit Amount Important Points to note: (1) As on today total banking transaction is more than 2.7 lakh crores per day say more than 800 lakh crores annually. (2) Less than 20% transaction is made through banking system as on today and more than 80% transaction made in cash only, which is not traceable. (3) 78% of Indian population spend less than 20/- rupees daily why they need 1000/- rupee note. What will happen if All FIFTY SIX Taxes including income tax scrapped : (1) Salaried people will bring home more money which will increase purchasing power of the family. (2) All commodities including Petrol, Diesel, FMCG will become cheaper by 35% to 52% . (3) No question of Tax evasion so no black money generation. (4) Business sector will get boosted. So self employment. What will happen if 1000/ 500/ 100 Rupees currency notes recalled and scrapped : (1) Corruption through cash will stopped 100%. (2) Black money will be either converted to white or will vanish as billions of 1000/500/100 currency notes hidden in bags without use will become simple pieces of papers. (3) Unaccounted hidden huge cash is skyrocketing the prices of properties, land, houses, jewellery etc and hard earned money is loosing its value; this trend will stop immediately. (4) Kidnapping and ransom, “Supari killing” will stop. (5) Terrorism supported by cash transaction will stop. (6) Cannot buy high value property in cash showing very less registry prices. (7) Circulation of “Fake Currency” will stop because fake currency printing for less value notes will not be viable. What will happen when Banking Transaction Tax (2% to 0.7%) is implemented : (1) As on today if BTT is implemented govt can fetch 800 x 2% = 16 lakh crore where as current taxing system is generating less than 14 lakh crore revenue. (2)When 50% of total transaction will be covered by BTT sizing 2000 to 2500 lakh crores, Govt will need to fix BTT as low as 1% to 0.7% and this will boost again banking transaction many fold. (3) No separate machinery like income tax department will be needed and tax amount will directly deposited in State/Central/District administration account immediately. (4) As transaction tax amount will be very less, public will prefer it instead paying huge amount against directly/indirectly FIFTY SIX taxes. (5) There will be no tax evasion and govt will get huge revenue for development and employment generation. (6) For any special revenue for special projects, govt can slightly raise BTT say from 1% to 1.2% and this 0.2% increase will generate 4,00,000 crores additional fund. Effects, if implemented today : (01)Prices of all things will come down. (02)Salaried people will get more cash in hand. (03)Purchasing power of Society will increase. (04)Demand will boost, so will production and industrialisation and ultimately more employment opportunity for youth. (05) Surplus revenue to the govt for effective health/ education/ infrastructure/ security/ social works. (06) Cheaper and easy loans from banks, interest rate will come down. (07) Tendency of society will changes from scarcity to quantity. (08) Spare money for political system for clean politics, (09) Prices of land/ property will come down, (10) No need to export beef to cover up trade deficit (11) Sufficient fund for research and development. (12) Society will be free from “Bad elements”. A very nice n simple compilation with logical impact. Worth sharing!! Forward it to all and spread awareness about the proposal.
*FINALLY, CENTRAL GOVT NOTIFIES REAL ESTATE ACT 2016* _10 things to know about Real Estate Regulatory Authority_ *01) Ongoing Projects also to come under RERA* For ongoing projects without Completion Certificate (CC), developers will have to deposit 70% of the amount collected from homebuyers in a separate bank account within 3 months of registering a project with RERA. *02) Equal Penalty* In case of delays, developers will be required to pay compensation to the allottees with an Interest Rate of SBI’s highest Marginal Cost of Lending Rate plus 2%. This effectively means a developer will have to pay interest rates of 11 to 12 % in case of a delay in project delivery. *03) Imprisonment* The rules also contain clauses providing for compounding of punishment with imprisonment for violation of the orders of Real Estate Appellate Tribunal against payment of 10% of project cost in case of developers and 10% of the cost of property purchased in case of allottees and agents. *04) No Discrimination* Discrimination in sale of properties on any grounds will also not be entertained under the new rules. Adjudicating Officers, Real Estate Authorities and Appellate Tribunals shall dispose of complaints within 60 days *05) Transparency* For ongoing projects that have not received Completion Certificate (CC), the developers will have to make public the original sanctioned plans with specifications and changes made later, total amount collected from allottees, money used, original timeline for completion and the time period within which the developer undertakes to complete the project. *06) Sale on Carpet area* The promoter shall also be required to declare the size of the apartment based on carpet area even if it was sold earlier on any other basis. *07) Financial Capacity* For registration of projects with the authorities, developers will be required to submit authenticated copy of PAN Card, annual report comprising audited profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement and auditors report of the promoter for the immediate three preceding years, authenticated copy of legal title deed, copy of collaboration agreement if the promoter is not the owner of the plot. The promoter will also has to declare information regarding the number of open and closed parking areas in the project. *08) Construction Status* The promoter will also have to upload details regarding number and type of apartments or plots, status of the project with photographs floor-wise, status of construction of internal infrastructure and common areas with photos, status of approvals received and expected date of receipt, within 15 days of expiry of each quarter on the project website. *09) No Income Tax returns required* In a departure from the draft rules, the requirement of disclosing Income Tax returns has been withdrawn in the final rules keeping in view the confidentiality attached with them and as pointed out by legal experts and promoters. *10) Detailed Description on RERA website* In addition to this, the Real Estate Regulatory authorities will also publish information relating to profile and track record of promoters, details of litigations, advertisement and prospectus issued about the project, details of apartments, plots and garages, registered agents and consultants, development plan, financial details of the promoters, status of approvals and projects etc., on the RERA website.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Date Seed Powder Ajwa 145g genuine from Medina health cure as per sunnah HADITHS ON AJWA DATES: The first heart attack in Islamic history was reported about the hero of the war of Qudsia Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas, a sudden pain in his heart was reported, when Hazrat Mohammed. (may peace be upon him) got to know about it, HE (peace be upon him) said ask him to eat Ajwa Date along with the seed and he will be fine. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas ate the Ajwa with seed and he recovered from the heart attack. The advantages of Ajwa Dates Seeds powder: 1- Ajwa Cardio Cleanse is highly effective for the treatment of blocked heart arteries 2- It is also recommended for those patients awaiting or have been advised heart bypass surgery/angioplasty 3- Patients having high blood pressure should use it daily without any doubts 4- Smokers are recommended to make sure that they take this powder daily before breakfast 5- It reduces weight 6- It helps to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood. 7- To protect the heart and circulatory system. 8- It can used for protection against atherosclerosis and heart problems. Additional benefits: 1- Effective in preventing abdominal cancer, abdominal diseases, Disturbance in intestines, strong remedy to kill the worms of abdomen and relieves Constipation. 2- To prevent anemia. 3- To strengthen nervous system and in energy production. 4- Good for protein metabolism. 5- For strong and healthy bones. 6- For healthy skin and to preventive measurement against various skin diseases. 7- Protecting from pellagra, a disease which is manifested as dermatitis, dementia and fatigue. 8- To treat dementia and fatigue. 9- CAN BE USED FOR THE PREVENTION AGAINST MAGIC, MADNESS, FRUSTRATION, HEADACHE, POISON OR MENTAL DISORDERS 10- Ajwa date is most wholesome for pregnant women. The use of Ajwa during and after pregnancy improves blood circulation in mother and baby bodies and it is very much helpful for growth of mother milk too. Research suggests that women who consumed Ajwa date fruit prior to delivery had significantly higher mean cervical dilatation, and a significantly higher proportion of intact membranes. Spontaneous labour occurred in 96% of those who consumed Ajwa dates. Use of prostin/oxytocin was significantly lower and the mean latent phase of the first stage of labour was also observed to be shorter in women who consumed Ajwa date fruit. Oxytocin induce contractions in the uterine muscles. Ajwa dates can ease the stages of labour. In addition to this, Ajwa dates contain Iron an integral part of the Hemoglobin molecule and prevents anemia. Also folic acid which helps in the maturation of Red blood cells and prevents a birth defect called “Spina Bifida” if administered prior to conception. The Iron and folic acid requirements increases significantly during pregnancy. 11- It is good for weak eyesight, night blindness and eye diseases. 12- For liver problems. It is more effective to reduce liver. 13- Ajwa dates are most effective for throat problems, fever, edema and cystitis 14- In Sexual Disability, It should be used with milk and honey, it is a fastest cure for sexual weakness. It improves energy level in body as well. 15- Extremely useful in Male & Female infertility, best ever treatment.
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