Tuesday, 31 May 2016
हर किसी को अपनी खूबसूरती पर घमण्ड होता है | मै आज आपको खूबसूरती की परिभाषा बताता हूँ खूबसूरत है वो लब...... जिन पर, दूसरों के लिए कोई दुआ आ जाए !! खूबसूरत है ............वो दिल जो , किसी के दुख मे शामिल हो जाए !! खूबसूरत है.......... वो जज़बात जो, दूसरो की भावनाओं को समझ जाए !! खूबसूरत है........ वो एहसास जिसमें, प्यार की मिठास हो जाए !! खूबसूरत है............. वो बातें जिनमें, शामिल हों दोस्ती और प्यार की किस्से कहानियाँ !! खूबसूरत है.......... वो आँखे जिनमें, किसी के खूबसूरत ख्वाब समा जाए !! खूबसूरत है .........वो हाथ जो किसी के, लिए मुश्किल के वक्त सहारा बन जाए !! खूबसूरत है..........वो सोच जिसमें, किसी कि सारी...... ख़ुशी छुप जाए ! खूबसूरत है.................. वो दामन जो, दुनिया से किसी के गमो को छुपा जाए ! खूबसूरत है.......वो आसूँ जो, किसी और के गम मे बह जाए...!! —
Monday, 30 May 2016
Blessing in disguise is when a wait-listed passenger gets the option of flying by Air India. Yes, you heard that right! You’ll be fortunate if you don’t get a confirmed ticket on Rajdhani Express as you’ll be provided with an alternate option of flying by an Air India flight, that too at a price same as the fare of AC First Class. Both IRCTC and Air India have already entered into an agreement and the same will be in place within 7 days, said Ashwani Lohani, Chairman & Managing Director of Air India. As per the pact, a passenger who has an unconfirmed ticket on Rajdhani will be given the option of taking an Air India flight, provided the airline has services in the specific train route chosen by him/her. It is important to note that Air India tickets will only be provided to such passengers through IRCTC. Also, waitlisted passengers (AC First Class) won’t have to pay any additional amount for their flights; which means it will be a free upgrade for them. As told by Ashwani Lohani, passengers with Rajdhani AC Second and Third Class tickets would be required to pay an additional amount of up to Rs. 2,000 (per ticket) for flying an Air India flight. The system has been designed such that all wait-listed passengers will receive a message from IRCTC, checking whether they want to travel by Air India instead. And, in case they agree, they can buy airline tickets through the website of IRCTC over the next 24 hours, as shared by an official. It’s important to learn that the option will be given provided depending on the number of seats available in the airline. In case an aircraft has 15 seats available, passengers would be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. With this initiative in place within a week, it will be a win-win situation both for the travelling public and airline...
70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 When we die, our money remains in the bank... Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend. In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent. One business tycoon in China passed away. His widow, was left with $1.9 billion in the bank, and married his chauffeur. His chauffeur said:- "All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... it is only now, that I realise that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!" The cruel reality is: It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who. In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless! For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed. If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied. How about your wardrobes of clothes? 70% of them are not worn! A whole life of work and earning... 70% is for other people to spend. So, we must protect and make full use of our 30%. 👉Go for medical check-ups even if not sick. 👉Drink more water, even if not thirsty. 👉Learn to let go, even if faced with grave problems. 👉Endeavour to give in, even if you are in the right. 👉Remain humble, even if you are very rich and powerful. 👉learn to be contented, even if you are not rich. 👉Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy. 👉Make time for people you care about
Friday, 27 May 2016
On July 1, Railways will change rules.Find Full List here! Newsroom Post23 May. 21:09 New Delhi, May 23: Effective July 1, the Indian Railways will effect many changes in its prevailing rules and regulations to improve the travel experience for its customers. The main highlight of these changes are tatkal ticket refund and confirmed ticket facility for train passengers. Here's the FULL LIST of new rules (as reported in media), which will kick in from July 1: - From July 1, one will get back 50 per cent of money after cancelling Tatkal tickets. Presently, people don't get refund money on tatkal cancellation. - Timing for booking tatkal will also be changed. From July 1, tatkal window for AC coach will be open betwen 10 am and 11 am while for sleeper coach it will be open from 11 am to 12 pm. - Waiting list will come to an end from July 1. The Suvidha trains. Tickets shall be issued only for confirmed and RAC passengers accommodation. There shall be no provision for waiting list in the train. - Wait-listed passengers will get alternate facility of Suvidha trains. - People will get only confirmed tickets in these Suvidha trains. One will get 50 per cent cash refund on cancelling Suvidha trains. - Number of coaches in Rajdhani and Shatabdi will be increased. - From July 1, Rajdhani and Shatabdi will move ahead with paper less tickets. Only mobile tickets will be valid on these trains. - From July 1, Premium trains will come to an end. - 50 percent refund of fare on cancellation charge of rupees one hundred for airconditioned-II tier/first class, rupees ninety for airconditioned III-tier/3 economy/airconditioned chair car and rupees sixty for sleeper class will be granted.
Worth a Read😊👍🏽 JRD Tata had a friend who used to say that he misplaces and loses his pen very often. He will use only very cheap pens so that he need not worry about losing them. He was worried about his carelessness habit. JRD suggested to him to buy the costliest pen he could afford and see what happens. He did that and purchased a 22 carat gold Cross pen. After nearly six months JRD met him and asked him if he continues to misplace his pen. His friend said that he is very careful about his costly pen and he is surprised how he has changed! JRD explained to him that the value of the pen made the difference and there was nothing wrong with him as a person! This is what happens in our life. We are careful with things which we value most. * If we value our health, we will be careful about what and how we eat; * If we value our friends, we will treat them with respect; * If we value money, we will be careful while spending; * If we value our time, we will not waste it. * If we value relationship we will not break it. Carefulness is a basic trait all of us have, we know when to be careful! Carelessness only shows what we don't value.... Have a wonderful and careful life...!!!👍👍👍
Thursday, 26 May 2016
👌🏻अच्छा दिखने के लिये मत जिओ बल्कि अच्छा बनने के लिए जिओ 👌🏻जो झुक सकता है वह सारी दुनिया को झुका सकता है 👌🏻अगर बुरी आदत समय पर न बदली जाये तो बुरी आदत समय बदल देती है 👌🏻चलते रहने से ही सफलता है, रुका हुआ तो पानी भी बेकार हो जाता है 👌🏻झूठे दिलासे से स्पष्ट इंकार बेहतर है 👌🏻अच्छी सोच,अच्छी भावना, अच्छा विचार मन को हल्का करता है 👌🏻मुसीबत सब पर आती है, कोई बिखर जाता है और कोई निखर जाता है..... 🌷🌷Good morning 🌷🌷
हमें क्या पता था जिंदगी इतनी अनमोल है, कफन ओढ़ के देखा तो नफरत करनेवाले भी रो रहे थे ! शिकायत "मौत" से नहीं ... "अपनों" से थी मुझे....!!! जरा सी आँख बंद क्या हुई ...वो कब्र खोदने लगे...!!! कौन सा हिस्सा रफ़ू करूँ जिंदगी के लिबास का, जेब सिलता हूँ तो गिरेबान फटने लगता है।। ख्वाहिशों के अम्बार में कहीं दब गई इंसानियत ऊँचा उठने की हसरत में गिरता जा रहा है आदमी...!!.. सीख रहा हूँ धीरे-धीरे तेरे शहर के रिवाज, जिससे मतलब निकल जाए, उसे जिंदगी से निकाल देना। इतनी ठोकरे देने के लिए शुक्रिया, ए-ज़िन्दगी.. चलने का न सही,,,सम्भलने का हुनर तो आ गया. एक सेब गिरा और न्यूटन ने ग्रेविटी की खोज कर ली.. यहां रोज ही इंसान गिर रहे हैं और कोई मानवता नहीं खोज पा रहा है. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
"अगर तुम उड़ नहीं सकते तो, दौड़ो ! अगर तुम दौड़ नहीं सकते तो, चलो ! अगर तुम चल नहीं सकते तो, रेंगो ! पर आगे बढ़ते रहो" अपनी सोच ओर दिशा बदलो सफलता आपका स्वागत करेंगी... रास्ते पर कंकड़ ही कंकड़ हो तो भी एक अच्छा जूता पहनकर उस पर चला जा सकता है। लेकिन यदि एक अच्छे जूते के अंदर एक भी कंकड़ हो तो एक अच्छी सड़क पर भी कुछ कदम भी चलना मुश्किल है। यानी "बाहर की चुनौतियों से नहीं, हम अपनी अंदर की कमजोरियों से हारते हैं".... हमारे विचार ही हमारा भविष्य तय करते हैं....
*दोस्तो* @@@ आजकल हम सभी के पास महंगे _मोबाइल फोन_ होते है ।अगर आपका *फोन* गुम हो जाता है तो आप उसे वापस कैसे पा सकते है । इसी विषय पर एक *रोचक जानकारी* साझा कर रहा हूं । प्रत्येक *मोबाइल* का *IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity) no.* होता है । इसके माध्यम से आप *विश्व* में कही भी अपना *मोबाइल ट्रैक* कर सकते है । यह कैसे काम करता है :- 1. अपने फोन से _*#06#_डायल करें । 2. आपका फोन *15 अंको* का एक *युनिक कोड*दिखाएगा । 3. इसे संभाल कर कहीं लिख लें, फोन मे न सेव करें । 4. अगर आपका फोन गुम हो जाए तो इस नम्बर को नीचे लिखी डिटेल के साथ _*cop@vsnl.net*_ पर ईमेल कर दें । *Your name*:-__________ *Address* :- ______________ *Phone model* :-__________ *Make* :-___________ *Last used no.* :-__________ *Email for *communication*:_______ *Missed date*:- __________ *IMEI no* :- __________ 5. *पुलिस*मे जाने की जरूरत नही । 6. आपका फोन अगले चौबीस घंटो मे *जीपीआरएस* के जरिए ट्रैक हो जाएगा ।और आपका हैंडसेट आपका नंबर बदल जाने की दशा मे भी मिल जाएगा । दोस्तों इस महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को शेयर करें ।धन्यवाद । 🙏🏻
Monday, 23 May 2016
वसीयत & नसीयत एक दौलतमंद इंसान ने दोस्त के सामने अपने बेटे को वसीयत करते हुवे कहा "बेटा मेरे मरने के बाद मेरे पैर मे ये फटे हुवे मोज़े (शॉक्स) पहना देना मेरी यह ख्वाहिश जरूर पूरी करना ! बाप के मरते ही गुस्ल देने के बाद बेटे ने आलिम से बाप की ख़ाहिश बताई आलिम ने कहा हमारे दीन मैं सिर्फ कफ़न पहनाने की इज़ाज़त है, पर बेटे की ज़िद थी की बाप की आखरी ख़ाहिश पूरी हो बहस इतनी बढ़ गई की शहर के उलमाओं को जमा किया गया लेकिन कोई नतीजा नहीं निकला इसी माहोल मे बाप का वह दोस्त आया जो वसीयत के वक्त मौजूद था। आकर बेटे के हाथ मे बाप का लिखा हुवा खत दिया जिस मे बाप की नसीयत लिखी थी। मेरे प्यारे बेटे देख रहे हो ? कसीर माल और दौलत, बंगलो, गाडी, बड़ी फैक्ट्री और फॉर्म हाउस के बाद भी मैं एक फटा हुवा मोजा तक नहीं ले जा सकता एक रोज़ तुम्हे भी मौत आएगी आगाह हो जाओ तुम्हे भी एक कफ़न मे ही जाना पड़ेगा लेहाज़ा कोशिश करना दौलत का सही इस्तेमाल करना नेक राह मैं ख़र्च करना बेसहाराओं को सहारा बनना क्युकि क़ब्र में सिर्फ तुम्हारे आमाल ही जाएंगे नोट: आप सभी से दरख्वास्त है की कड़वा सच ज़रूर शेयर करे क्या मालूम किसी एक को तोफिक हासिल हो जाये
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Assalam o alikum rematullah o barkatahu. Tomorrow is a glorious night is known as SHAB E BARAT is a night of forgiveness MAAFI before that I must ask MAAFI to all of you:- I am extremely sorry if I Hurt you If I ignored you elsewhere If I ever teas you If I made you upset in any deal If I have not proved my self as a good human If I have forge you If I backbiting you If I have bad feeling you If I even abused you If I made any geebat behind you If I broke you heart ect ect ect. In addition all the cited events I bow down and humble request by the grace of Allah and to make Allah happy Please please please in this auspecious night forgive me MUJHE MAAFI De do MAAFI talab karta hoon Aap se Mujhe yaqeen hai Aap maaf karenge aur mujhe Aap ke qeemti duwaoon me yaad rakhenge. Allah SubhanTwala accept my MAAFI.
Friday, 20 May 2016
एक स्कूल में भाषण के दौरान 10 बातें बताई 🍁 जो विद्यार्थियों को नहीं सिखाई जाती 💱 १ जीवन उतार-चढ़ाव से भरा है इसकी आदत बना लो. 💱 २ लोग तुम्हारे स्वाभिमान की परवाह नहीं करते इसलिए पहले खुद को साबित करके दिखाओ. 💱 ३ कॉलेज की पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद 5 आंकड़े वाली पगार की मत सोचो, एक रात में कोई वाइस प्रेसिडेंट नहीं बनता. इसके लिए अपार मेहनत पड़ती है. 💱 ४ अभी आपको अपने शिक्षक सख्त और डरावने लगते होंगे क्योंकि अभी तक आपके जीवन में बॉस नामक प्राणी से पाला नहीं पड़ा. 💱 ५ तुम्हारी गलती सिर्फ तुम्हारी है तुम्हारी पराजय सिर्फ तुम्हारी है किसी को दोष मत दो इस गलती से सीखो और आगे बढ़ो. 💱 ६ तुम्हारे माता पिता तुम्हारे जन्म से पहले इतने निरस और ऊबाऊ नही थे जितना तुम्हें अभी लग रहा है तुम्हारे पालन पोषण करने में उन्होंने इतना कष्ट उठाया कि उनका स्वभाव बदल गया. 💱 ७ सांत्वना पुरस्कार सिर्फ स्कूल में देखने मिलता है. कुछ स्कूलों में तो पास होने तक परीक्षा दी जा सकती है लेकिन बाहर की दुनिया के नियम अलग हैं वहां हारने वाले को मौका नहीं मिलता. 💱 ८ – जीवन के स्कूल में कक्षाएं और वर्ग नहीं होते और वहां महीने भर की छुट्टी नहीं मिलती. आपको सिखाने के लिए कोई समय नहीं देता. यह सब आपको खुद करना होता है. 💱 ९ – tv का जीवन सही नहीं होता और जीवन tv के सीरियल नहीं होते. सही जीवन में आराम नहीं होता सिर्फ काम और सिर्फ काम होता है . 💱 १०– लगातार पढ़ाई करने वाले और कड़ी मेहनत करने वाले अपने मित्रों को कभी मत चिढ़ाओ. एक समय ऐसा आएगा कि तुम्हें उसके नीचे काम करना पड़ेगा. "विश्वास " किसी पर इतना करो कि वो तुम्हे फंसाते समय खुद को दोषी समझें 🍁✌🏼 " प्रेम " किसी से इतना करो कि उसके मन में तुम्हें खोने का डर बना रहे....... 🌹
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Please forward this message to all your friends and request them to forward it further........ VERY IMPORTANT: ☝ Max Temperatures recorded in some Indian cities: ☀Lucknow 47 degrees ☀Delhi 47 degrees ☀Agra 45 degrees ☀Nagpur 49 degrees ☀Kota 48 degrees ☀Hyderabad 45 degrees ☀Pune 42 degrees ☀Ahmedabad 46 degrees ☀ Mumbai 42 degrees ☀ Nashik 40 degrees ☀Bangalore 40 degrees ☀ Chennai 45 degrees Next years these cities will cross 50 degrees. Even AC or fan will not save you in summer.. Why is it so hot ??? In last 10 years over 10 crore trees were cut for widening roads and highways. But not more than a lakh trees has been planted by govt. or public. How to make India cool ??? Please do not wait for government to plant trees. Sowing seeds or planting trees does not cost much. Just collect seeds of Shatavari, Bel, Peeple, Tulsi, mango, Lemon, Jamun, Neem, Custard Apple, Jack fruit, etc. Then dig two-three inch hole on open spaces, roadside, footpaths, highways, gardens and also in your society or bungalow. Bury these seeds in each hole with soil and then water them every two days in summer. In rainy season no need to water them. After 15 to 30 days small plants will grow...and you will feel satisfaction...and you are doing great service for next generation. Let us make this a National movement and plant 10 crore trees all over India. We should stop temperature from crossing 50 degrees..... Please plant maximum trees and forward this message to everyone. Lets distribute saplings as return gifts during functions, birthdays etc. 1 plant 1 whtsapp guy..we will easily reach 10 cr plant.😊🙏🏻
Monday, 16 May 2016
यह तस्वीर कनाडा के रहने वाले स्मिथ की है जिनका पैर अब काटा जाना है। इन्हें CFL बल्ब का इस्तेमाल या यूँ कहें कि इस्तेमाल में की गई लापरवाही बहुत भारी पड़ी। यह तो हम सब जानते हैं कि CFL बल्ब कितनी बिजली बचाते हैं लेकिन ज़्यादातर लोग यह नहीं जानते कि इन बल्बों में पारा पाया जाता है जो कि शरीर में चले जाने पर बहुत ही घातक साबित होता है। स्मिथ ने ऐसे ही एक बल्ब के ठन्डे होने का इंतज़ार नहीं किया और उसे होल्डर से निकालकर बदलने की कोशिश करते हुए उसे ज़मीन पर गिरा दिया। ज़मीन पर गिरते ही बल्ब टूट गया और कांच के टुकड़े बिखर गए। स्मिथ नंगे पैर थे और अंधेरे में उनका पैर कांच के एक टुकड़े पर पड़ गया और बल्ब में उपस्थित पारा घाव के माध्यम से शरीर में प्रवेश कर गया। उन्हें 2 महीने में ICU में रखा गया और अब उन्हें अपने पैर को खो देने का डर है। आज जानना ज़रूरी है कि CFL के टूट जाने पर क्या करें- १) कभी भी तुरंत CFL ना बदलें। उसके ठन्डे होने का इंतज़ार करें। 2) CFL टूट जाने पर तुरंत कमरे से निकल जाएं, ध्यान रखें कि पैर कांच के टुकड़े पर ना पड़ जाए। ३) पंखे एसी इत्यादि बंद कर दें जिससे पारा फैल ना सके। ४) कम से कम १५-२० मिनट बाद कमरे में प्रवेश करके टूटे हुए कांच को साफ़ करें। पंखा बंद रखें और मुंह को ढक कर रखें, दस्ताने पहने और कार्डबोर्ड की मदद से कांच समेटें, झाड़ू का इस्तेमाल ना करें क्यूंकि इससे पारे के फ़ैलने का डर रहता है। कांच के बारीक कण टेप की मदद से चिपका कर साफ़ करें। ५) कचरा फेंकने के बाद साबुन से हाथ धोना ना भूलें। ६) यदि कारणवश चोट लग जाए तो तुरंत चिकित्सक को दिखाएं और उसे चोट के बारे में सारी जानकारी दें। सीसे और आर्सेनिक से भी कहीं अधिक ज़हरीला और घातक पारा होता है। इसलिए CFL का प्रयोग करते समय बहुत सावधानी रखें। इस जानकारी को अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें तथा अपने परिचितों को भी बताएं ताकि कोई अन्य ऐसी दुर्घटना के चपेट में ना आए।
Sunday, 15 May 2016
*Sat, 14 May 2016, 08:00 PM IST* Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation *(BMC)* *Redevelopment* buildings Development Control Regulation (DCR) The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has opened doors for *redevelopment of over 35,000 old buildings* that have *exhausted their FSI* and *have no scope of further redevelopment.* The BMC will offer *40 per cent of the total built-up area* (BUA) as an incentive to the housing societies. A society can use the proceeds from the sale of this incentive to *meet the construction cost of their own building*. *They will not charge any kind of premium or extra cost for the same*. This will only be applicable for buildings which are more than *30 years old*. For example, if the built-up area (BUA) of one particular building is 10,000 sqft, with BMC's new incentive policy, the building will be allowed construction of *extra 4,000 sqft* so that they can *sell it in the open market and meet the construction cost of their original area*. *This Development Control Regulation (DCR)* of the *BMC* will help those buildings which are not interested to be a part of the cluster development scheme (CDS) but might pose a threat to the scheme. The government's CDS is facing several obstacles at each stage with *developers unwilling* to share more benefits and residents posing stiff opposition for cluster development. *The residents were left with no option but to live in dangerous buildings and wait endlessly until they collapsed.* *Due to lack of profit, no developer wants to take up redevelopment of such buildings and it will be expensive for cooperative societies to undertake redevelopment on their own*. The new DCR will be paving way for the redevelopment of such individual buildings. *"Over 35,000 buildings in the city are more than 30 years old and have no FSI left. The future of these buildings is at stake and there is no scope of future redevelopment for them. These buildings, if ignored, will eventually get dilapidated and amount to loss of life and property. We had to think about them and now we have come up with an option*," said *Ajoy Mehta, municipal commissioner*
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Six thought provoking sentences- 1. In a 2000 Sq feet house you live in 200 Sq feet; in the remaining 1800 Sq feet lives your ego. 2.The difference between "Time" and "Wealth". You are always aware at all times how much wealth you have but you are never aware at any time how much time you have.!!! 3. An anklet costs thousands but is worn on the feet but a bindi costs ₹ 2 and is worn on the forehead....Therefore it is not the cost that matters but the place. 4. In a book store lie both the Holy Gita and the Quran. They never quarrel with each other. ..The ones who fight in their name are those who have never read them.... 5. A true friend is one who tells you the truth which may hurt like salt on a wound; those who speak sweetly are only sycophants. It is a known fact that salt never spoils but sweets spoil very easily. 6. Science claims that when hurt is inflicted on the tongue it heals very fast .....Wisdom says that when hurt is inflicted by the tongue it never heals.. Most provoking statements. ..but requires more undetstanding...to deal it...
આપણુ પટેલ મુસાફરખાનુ 🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸 લખું છું કેમ કે ✒કલમ✒ નો સાથ છે મારુ તમારુ આપણુ🏤 પટેલ મુસાફરખાનુ . મુંબઈ 🚅મા પગ મુકતા જ એમ કેહવાનુ મન થાય કે ઓ મુંબઈ તુ સાચેજ ઘણુ ખુબસુરત🌇🌆 શહેર છે પરંતુ મારા પટેલ મુસાફરખાના 🏤વગર તો તારી સુંદરતા 🌄🌅અધૂરી જ છે. મારી જેવા અનેક લોકો માટે આ મુસાફરખાનુ 1957 થી હોટલ તાજ ની જેમ સેવા આપે છે. જેમ ડુંગળી 🌰ગરીબો ની કસતૂરી એમજ મારે મન મુસાફરખાનુ એજ હોટલ તાજ 🏤 એક કહેવત છે ને ખભા ઉપર હાથ મુકે ને હૈયુ હળવુ થાય એનુ નામ ભાઇબંધ એમજ મુંબઈ🌆🌇 મુસાફરખાના મા પગ મુકતા જ રીસેપસન ઓફિસ 📝પર થી અલ્તાફ ભાઈ પટેલ,એજાઝભાઇ,લતીફભાઇ અને મોજીલા સલીમભાઇ દહેગામવાલા સહ સ્મિત⚡🌝⚡ આવકાર આપે ને આપણા હૈયા ને ટાઢક વળે. 💓💗💓 અંદર પ્રવેશતા ઉડી ને આંખે વળગે એવી સફાઈ અને પથારી સેવા વાહ વાહ શું સીસ્ટમ છે 👌👌 દોસ્તો 🇮🇷ગોરખાભાઇઓ બાલા, ચંદ્ર, કાશી અને હરીપસાદ ની સેવા કેવી રીતે ભૂલાવી દેવાય 🇮🇷 કંઈ ફરવા માટે જવુ હોય તો આપણા મોજીલા સલીમભાઇ ને પૂછી લેવાનુ તરત કેહસેકે ઇન્ડિયા ગેટ એલિફન્ટા તરફ જવા આ નંબર ની બસ🚍 ને હાજીઅલી ચાલી કરવાનુ ને માહીમ આ નંબર ની બસ🚌 ને ભાઇખલ્લા ચાલી કરવાનુ ને કલ્યાણ જવા ભાઇખલ્લા થી ટેઃન 🚅પકડી લેવાની ને ચોપાટી ને હેંગીગ ગાડઁન જવા ટેકસી🚕 કરી લેવાની કેવુપડે સલીમભાઇ બીલકુલ મફત ગાઇડ લાઈન 😃 સવારે ફજર પછી મસ્જિદ ની બાજુ મા ચાહ ☕ને હોટલ ઈસ્તમબૂલનો ખીમો ને બપોરે જુલ્ફીકાર હોટલ 🍪🍲નુ ખાવા અને રાત્રે રહમાનીયાની કાબાબ 🍴🍢કે પછી સાગર હોટલ નુ ડિનર મજા આવી જાય દોસ્તો 🍵🍲🍪 🔊અવાજ🔊 ની મધુરતા સમજાવવા કયારેક પાયલ થવુ પડે. 💛દિલ ની વેદના સમજાવવા💘 ઘાયલ💘 થવુ પડે પટેલ મુસાફરખાના 🏤ની જરૂરિયાત સમજવા વીશાળ દિલે💗💗 ત્યાં રહેવુ પડે ને ત્યાંના સેવાભાવી લોકો ને સમજવા પડે પટેલ મુસાફરખાના 🏤ની બહુમૂલ્ય ભેટ એ આપણા પૂર્વ જો (અલ્લાહ એમની આ સેવા કબુલ કરે અને એમની મગફીરત કરે)ની આપેલી છે એને સાચવવી આપણી ફરજ છે . મુસાફરખાના🏤 મા આપણે નીતિનીયમ મુજબ રહીને એનુ જતન કરીએ લખું છું કેમ કે કલમ✒✒✒ નો સાથ છે મારા શબ્દો મા ફક્ત 🇮🇳🇮🇳વતન🇮🇳🇮🇳 ની વાત છે
क्या खुब लिखा है किसी ने ... . →•"बक्श देता है 'खुदा' उनको, ... ! जिनकी 'किस्मत' ख़राब होती है ... !! वो हरगिज नहीं 'बक्शे' जाते है, ... ! जिनकी 'नियत' खराब होती है... !!" →•न मेरा 'एक' होगा, न तेरा 'लाख' होगा, ... ! न 'तारिफ' तेरी होगी, न 'मजाक' मेरा होगा ... !! गुरुर न कर "शाह-ए-शरीर" का, ... ! मेरा भी 'खाक' होगा, तेरा भी 'खाक' होगा ... !! →• जिन्दगी भर 'ब्रांडेड-ब्रांडेड' करने वालों ... ! याद रखना 'कफ़न' का कोई ब्रांड नहीं होता ... !! → •कोई रो कर 'दिल बहलाता' है ... ! और कोई हँस कर 'दर्द' छुपाता है ... !! क्या करामात है 'कुदरत' की, ... ! 'ज़िंदा इंसान' पानी में डूब जाता है और 'मुर्दा' तैर के दिखाता है ... !! →•'मौत' को देखा तो नहीं, पर शायद 'वो' बहुत "खूबसूरत" होगी, ... ! "कम्बख़त" जो भी 'उस' से मिलता है, "जीना छोड़ देता है" ... !! →•'ग़ज़ब' की '#एकता' देखी "लोगों की ज़माने में" ... ! 'ज़िन्दों' को "गिराने में" और 'मुर्दों' को "उठाने में" ... !! →•'#ज़िन्दगी' में ना ज़ाने कौन सी बात "आखिरी" होगी, ... ! ना ज़ाने कौनसी रात "आखिरी" होगी । मिलते, जुलते, बातें करते रहो यार एक दूसरे से ना जाने कौनसी "मुलाक़ात" "आख़री होगी" ... !!
Thursday, 12 May 2016
*Acceptance* When we don't accept an undesired event, it becomes *Anger*; when we accept it, it becomes *Tolerance.* When we don't accept uncertainty, it becomes *Fear*; when we accept it, it becomes *Adventure.* When we don't accept other's bad behaviour towards us, it becomes *Hatred;* when we accept it, it becomes *Forgiveness.* When we don't accept other's Success, it becomes *Jealousy;* when we accept it, it becomes *Inspiration.* Acceptance is the key to handling life well.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
It is only question of Time before you lose everything. Property, money, father,mother, brother, sister, husband,wife children every single thing will be taken away from you. When you enjoy all these you are simply a caretaker not a owner. That is true detachment and takes a lifetime to practice it. Look around and you will find every single person fighting only for money, property, self respect, power, relationship and health problems. We are too attached to every single thing surrounding us and we dont even bother to notice it. Time when it gives you a blow you wake up. Stop pain before it comes.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Very very important for students. ... Full details abt b.voc B.Voc.: Software Development. The I.T. Sector in India is growing and vocationally trained skilled workforce in very large numbers is required for automation of enterprises & companies. India is going to need software enabled people in almost all sectors, such as, Finance and Stock Exchange, Pharmaceutical, Media and entertainment, corporate business to name a few… This course is designed in such a way that at the end of three years students will get a B.Voc.: Software Development degree & can seek jobs in the field of materials management in manufacturing industries in the purchase / stores / sales & marketing departments However, at the end of first year with a Diploma they can seek jobs as Computer Assistants in Offices & Accounts Departments. If they continue through the second year they can leave with an advanced diploma and seek jobs in technical management i.e. in publishing, entertainment media & social industry. B.Voc.: Tourism India’s vast natural, historical and cultural diversity is poorly tapped by the tourism industry. According to one source, India’s position stands at 41 internationally and 11 in the Asia-Pacific region. While the Government and other agencies look into the infrastructural and other essentials for Tourism development we see lacunae in the availability of well trained Tour guides, Managers, Operators to develop the vast potential for Tourism that India has to offer. Besides, the concept of Tourism and hospitality management has now widened to include Event Management of both short ad long programmes for corporate groups, educational institutes etc. This service-based industry requires (besides cognitive, creative and core-competency skills in the practical and organizational aspects of the industry) crucial and well-developed interpersonal and communication skills. Who are eligible to apply for admissions to the First Year B.Voc. courses in Software Development and in Tourism: A candidate in order to be eligible for admission to the B.Voc. courses in Software Development and in Tourism shall have passed the Class XII from any stream. Examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination or Diploma in any Engineering branch with two or three or four years duration after passing the Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) examination conducted by the Board of Technical Education, Maharashtra State or equivalent examination. SEATS AVAILABLE – 50 each for Tourism and Software Development The College is a Catholic Minority College, administered under the Provisions of the Indian Constitution, to promote the welfare of the Minority community and to extend its services to all other communities in India, so as to contribute to the harmony and integration of Indian society. 50% of seats are reserved for Catholic Minority students. There is also reservation of seats as given below: Reservation of Seats: (As per the directives given in the University of Mumbai Circular No.Spl.Cell/(68)/218/2005 dated 3rd June, 2005. ) Sr. No. Category No. of Seats TOTAL SEATS 50 1 Management Quota – 15% 8 Only for those the College is obliged to BALANCE SEATS – 85% 42 2 Minority: 50% seats of the balance 85% seats. 21 3 General 25% seats of the balance 85% seats. 11 4 Reserved Category : (SC/ST/DT(A) / NT(B) /NT(C) /NT/(D)/OBC/SBC ) Visually/Physically Challenged and **Special Category 10 ** The Special category is for the wards of transferred State/Central Government and Private Sector employees, Defence Personnel, Ex-Servicemen, Freedom fighters; for students who have met with an accident and also for award winners at the District/State/National Level in Sports or Cultural activities. Selection Process The College has introduced an ONLINE application system for the First Year B.Voc admissions. All candidates applying for admission to St. Xavier’s College are expected to apply through the online application system on the homepage of the website www.xaviers.edu which will be activated from 20th May, 2016. The Last date for submission of online application forms for admission to the College and dates for display of merit lists will be put up on “homepage” of our website www.xaviers.edu. The schedule for admissions will be announced by the University of Mumbai and will be followed by the Colleges in Mumbai. Admissions are made only on the basis of the overall percentage of marks at the qualifying examination. The Grades awarded by some Boards are converted to percentages according to a formula provided by their respective Boards or by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi for students coming from Foreign Boards. IMPORTANT The University of Mumbai has made it mandatory for all candidates seeking admission to the First Year courses in the Degree Colleges to fill in the “Pre-Admission Online Registration Form” on the following link http://mum.digitaluniversity.ac (Dates for online registration will be announced by the University sometime in the last week of May 2016 - you will need to click on:- Pre Admission Online Registration) Therefore, all candidates applying for admission to St. Xavier’s College for the First Year Courses i.e. B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.Sc. (IT), B.M.M., B.M.S. and for the First Year B.Voc courses in Tourism and in Software Development are required to fill in the “Pre-Admission Online Registration Form” and submit a hard copy of the same to the College Office (dates for submission will be announced later). At the time of admission the candidate must submit the Class XII marksheet in original and two attested copies of the same and one attested copy of other relevant documents as mentioned below: 1. Class XII Marksheet – (Original + 2 attested copies) 2. Baptism Certificate (For the Minority community - Christians) 3. Caste Certificate (for reserved category) 4. Documentary Evidence regarding special category status Provisional Eligibility Certificate: Students passing the Class XII from other Boards i.e. ISC, CBSE, IB, other State Boards etc or Foreign Boards / Universities have to apply for a provisional eligibility certificate issued by the University of Mumbai at the time of admissions through the College. Therefore, candidates who accept the offer of admission to the College will be given the prescribed application forms for provisional eligibility. The duly filled in forms are required to be returned to the College with an attested copy of the class XII marksheet and a passport size photograph along with a prescribed fee of Rs.320/- for eligibility and Rs.400/- total Rs.820/- The duly filled in application form will then be forwarded to the University of Mumbai for issue of Provisional Eligibility Certificate by the College. Further, candidates admitted to the College on the strength of the provisional eligibility certificate issued by the University of Mumbai, are required to submit the original and attested copies of the following certificates/documents as mentioned below to the College Office before the close of the 1st semester or at the beginning of the 2nd semester. These certificates will be sent to the University of Mumbai for confirmation of eligibility to the respective courses in which he/she has been offered admission. a) Class XII Statement of Marks b) Pass Certificate c) Migration Certificate Candidates passing Class XII Examinations from Foreign Boards and students passing from International Baccalaureate (I.B.) or “A” levels examinations - General Certificate of Education (GCE) / Cambridge International School Exam (CIE) of Cambridge or University of London are required to first approach the University of Mumbai, Eligibility Section, Kalina Campus, Santacruz (East), Mumbai – 400 098 and obtain a ‘PRIMA FACIE’ Eligibility letter from the University of Mumbai for the purpose of admissions to all First Year Degree Courses namely B.A., B.Sc., B.Com, B.M.M., B.M.S., and B.Sc. (IT) and B.Voc courses in Tourism and in Software Development. FEES: The total fees, including deposit and laboratory fees as sanctioned by the management board, St. Xavier’s
Monday, 9 May 2016
⭕⭕⭕ R T I ⭕⭕⭕ RTI लिखने का तरीका - 👉🏿RTI मलतब है सूचना का अधिकार - ये कानून हमारे देश में 2005 में लागू हुआ।जिसका उपयोग करके आप सरकार और किसी भी विभाग से सूचना मांग सकते है। आमतौर पर लोगो को इतना ही पता होता है।परंतु आज मैं आप को इस के बारे में कुछ और रोचक जानकारी देता हूँ - 👉🏿RTI से आप सरकार से कोई भी सवाल पूछकर सूचना ले सकते है। 👉🏿RTI से आप सरकार के किसी भी दस्तावेज़ की जांच कर सकते है। 👉🏿RTI से आप दस्तावेज़ की प्रमाणित कापी ले सकते है। 👉🏿RTI से आप सरकारी कामकाज में इस्तेमाल सामग्री का नमूना ले सकते है। 👉🏿RTI से आप किसी भी कामकाज का निरीक्षण कर सकते हैं। 👉🏿RTI में कौन- कौन सी धारा हमारे काम की है। 👉🏿धारा 6 (1) - RTI का आवेदन लिखने का धारा है। 👉🏿धारा 6 (3) - अगर आपका आवेदन गलत विभाग में चला गया है। तो वह विभाग इस को 6 (3) धारा के अंतर्गत सही विभाग मे 5 दिन के अंदर भेज देगा। 👉🏿धारा 7(5) - इस धारा के अनुसार BPL कार्ड वालों को कोई आरटीआई शुल्क नही देना होता। 👉🏿धारा 7 (6) - इस धारा के अनुसार अगर आरटीआई का जवाब 30 दिन में नहीं आता है तो सूचना निशुल्क में दी जाएगी। 👉🏿धारा 18 - अगर कोई अधिकारी जवाब नही देता तो उसकी शिकायत सूचना अधिकारी को दी जाए। 👉🏿धारा 8 - इस के अनुसार वो सूचना RTI में नहीं दी जाएगी जो देश की अखंडता और सुरक्षा के लिए खतरा हो या विभाग की आंतरिक जांच को प्रभावित करती हो। 👉🏿धारा 19 (1) - अगर आप की RTI का जवाब 30 दिन में नहीं आता है।तो इस धारा के अनुसार आप प्रथम अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील कर सकते हो। 👉🏿धारा 19 (3) - अगर आपकी प्रथम अपील का भी जवाब नही आता है तो आप इस धारा की मदद से 90 दिन के अंदर दूसरी अपील अधिकारी को अपील कर सकते हो। 👉🏿RTIकैसे लिखे? इसके लिए आप एक सादा पेपर लें और उसमे 1 इंच की कोने से जगह छोड़े और नीचे दिए गए प्रारूप में अपने RTI लिख लें ................................... सूचना का अधिकार 2005 की धारा 6(1) और 6(3) के अंतर्गत आवेदन। सेवा में, अधिकारी का पद / जनसूचना अधिकारी विभाग का नाम............. विषय - RTI Act 2005 के अंतर्गत .................. से संबधित सूचनाऐं। अपने सवाल यहाँ लिखें। 1-.............................. 2-............................... 3-.............................. 4-.............................. मैं आवेदन फीस के रूप में 20रू का पोस्टलऑर्डर ........ संख्या अलग से जमा कर रहा /रही हूं। या मैं बी.पी.एल. कार्डधारी हूं। इसलिए सभी देय शुल्कों से मुक्त हूं। मेरा बी.पी.एल.कार्ड नं..............है। यदि मांगी गई सूचना आपके विभाग/कार्यालय से सम्बंधित नहीं हो तो सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम,2005 की धारा 6 (3) का संज्ञान लेते हुए मेरा आवेदन सम्बंधित लोकसूचना अधिकारी को पांच दिनों के समयावधि के अन्तर्गत हस्तान्तरित करें। साथ ही अधिनियम के प्रावधानों के तहत सूचना उपलब्ध् कराते समय प्रथम अपील अधिकारी का नाम व पता अवश्य बतायें। भवदीय नाम:.................... पता:..................... फोन नं:.................. हस्ताक्षर................... ये सब लिखने के बाद अपने हस्ताक्षर कर दें। 👉🏿अब मित्रो केंद्र से सूचना मांगने के लिए आप 20 रु देते है और एक पेपर की कॉपी मांगने के 2 रु देते है। 👉🏿हर राज्य का RTI शुल्क अगल अलग है जिस का पता आप कर सकते हैं। 👉🏿जनजागृति के लिए जनहित में शेयर करे। 👉🏿RTI का सदउपयोग करें और भ्रष्टाचारियों की सच्चाई /पोल दुनिया के सामने लाईये।
Sunday, 8 May 2016
"When a glass is broken, the sound of breaking disappears immediately where as the glass pieces are scattered over the ground hurting whoever walks over it. Similarly, when you say something that hurts people emotions and feelings, the voice disappears immediately but the hearts remains in pain for long." Therefore, don't say except good and remember always the nine advises and prohibitions that Allah Al Mighty gave us in Surath Al Hujuraat (The Sura of Islamic Manners) before you say something to anyone: 1- فتبينوا: "Fa ta-bayyanu": Investigate: if you received an information lest you harm people out of ignorance. 2 - فأصلحوا: "Fa Aslihu" Make settlement: between your brothers as believers are brothers. 3- وأقسطوا: "Wa Aqsito": Act justly: whenever there is a dispute try for settlement and act justly among both parties as Allah loves who acts justly. 4 - لا يسخر: "La Yaskhar": don't ridicule: people perhaps they may be better than you to Allah. 5 - ولا تلمزوا: "Wa La Talmizu": Donot insult: one another. 6-ولا تنابزوا: "Wa La Tanabazu": Donot call offensive nicknames each other. 7- اجتنبوا كثيرا من الظن: "Ijtanibu Kaseeran minaz-zan" aviod negative assumptions, indeed some of the assumptions are sin. 8 - ولا تجسسوا: "Wa La Tajassasu" and don't spy on each other. 9- ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا: "Wa La Yagtab": Donot backbite each other: as its a major sin and like eating your dead brother's flesh.
● Attention friends if following codes are mentioned on food packs then you should know what you are unknowingly consuming. E 322 - Beef E 422 - Alcohol E 442 - Alcohol & Chemical E 471 - Beef & Alcohol E 476 - Alcohol E 481 - mixture of Beef and Pork E 627 - Dangerous Chemical E 472 - mixture of Beef, meat & Pork E 631 - Oil extracted from Pig fats. ● Note - you will find these codes mostly in products of foreign companies like :- Chips , Biscuits , Chewing Gums, Toffees, Kurkure and Maggi ! ● Don't ignore pay your kind attention atleast for the well being of your kids, if in doubt then search by yourself through your sources if not internet. (Google) ● Look at ingredient on Maggi pack, you will find flavor (E-635 ). ● Also look for following codes on Google :- E100, E110, E120, E140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252, E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475, E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542, E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.
Saturday, 7 May 2016
ગયા પરદેશ તે પાછા સગા ક્યાં આવવાના છે? કહી આવું એ દુનિયાને,બધી મિલકત પચાવે છે. ઝકાતો,ફિત્ર,સદ્કહ,વ્યાજની વાતો નકામી છે, અહીંના સજ્જનો સૌ ઝેર પણ પળમાં પચાવે છે. અહીં લોકોના કરતૂતો નિહાળી કહ્યું શેતાને, મને આ ગામના લોકો બધી વાતે હંફાવે છે. યતીમો,બેવાના વીંઘા વેચી ખાતો રહ્યો સદ।,છતાં એ ચોર પોતાને વલીઓમાં ખપાવે છે. ઘણા એવા યે લોકો છે કે જેના ડંખની આગળ,ભયંકર નાગ ને અજગર પોતાના સર ઝુકાવે છે. અગર ધોળા દિવસમાં કાળો સોદો થઇ ના શક્યો તો મહાશય , રાતે આવી ને ય દરવાજા ખટ ખટ।વે છે. દલાલી બે ટકા લેવાની લાલચમાં દલાલો સૌ,કબર માટેની જગ્યા પણ એ વેચે વેચાવે છે. અહીં પથ્થર મેં ખોસ્યો છે,નથી ખસવાનો અહિયાંથી,ભલેને સો વરસ જુનો એ દસ્તાવેજ લાવે છે. કહ્યું ઇબ્લીસે ચેલ।ઓને હવે ચાલો આ વસ્તીથી,અહીં તો આપણા કામો લોકો પણ પતાવે છે. તમે જો સાંભળો બેદાર તો ના આશ્ચર્ય કરજો,કે અહીંના લોક જીવતાને મરેલામાં ખપાવે છે. જમીનો તો શું?હવે ચોરીને ગઝલો, લોક બીજાની,બધે બધી જાત પોતાની એ શાયરમાં ખપાવે છે.
प्यास लगी थी गजब की... मगर पानी मे जहर था... पीते तो मर जाते और ना पीते तो भी मर जाते. बस यही दो मसले, जिंदगीभर ना हल हुए!!! ना नींद पूरी हुई, ना ख्वाब मुकम्मल हुए!!! वक़्त ने कहा.....काश थोड़ा और सब्र होता!!! सब्र ने कहा....काश थोड़ा और वक़्त होता!!! सुबह सुबह उठना पड़ता है कमाने के लिए साहेब...।। आराम कमाने निकलता हूँ आराम छोड़कर।। "हुनर" सड़कों पर तमाशा करता है और "किस्मत" महलों में राज करती है!! "शिकायते तो बहुत है तुझसे ऐ जिन्दगी, पर चुप इसलिये हु कि, जो दिया तूने, वो भी बहुतो को नसीब नहीं होता".. अजीब सौदागर है ये वक़्त भी!!!! जवानी का लालच दे के बचपन ले गया.... अब अमीरी का लालच दे के जवानी ले जाएगा. ...... लौट आता हूँ वापस घर की तरफ... हर रोज़ थका-हारा, आज तक समझ नहीं आया की जीने के लिए काम करता हूँ या काम करने के लिए जीता हूँ। “थक गया हूँ तेरी नौकरी से ऐ जिन्दगी मुनासिब होगा मेरा हिसाब कर दे...!!” भरी जेब ने ' दुनिया ' की पहेचान करवाई और खाली जेब ने ' अपनो ' की. जब लगे पैसा कमाने, तो समझ आया, शौक तो मां-बाप के पैसों से पुरे होते थे, अपने पैसों से तो सिर्फ जरूरतें पुरी होती है। ...!!! हंसने की इच्छा ना हो... तो भी हसना पड़ता है... . कोई जब पूछे कैसे हो...?? तो मजे में हूँ कहना पड़ता है... . ये ज़िन्दगी का रंगमंच है दोस्तों.... यहाँ हर एक को नाटक करना पड़ता है. "माचिस की ज़रूरत यहाँ नहीं पड़ती... यहाँ आदमी आदमी से जलता है...!!"
Thursday, 5 May 2016
A very inspiring article for everyone. A Must Read... Worth reading: Once there was a man who did not make it to university. So, his mother got him a wife. After the marriage, he worked as a teacher in a primary school. Due to the lack of experience, he was squashed by the students in less than a week. When he returned home, his wife dried his tears. She comforted him with these words. 'When one is too full, he could either pour it out what's in him or he just could not pour it out at all. You should not be too sad about it. Probably there is a more suitable job waiting for you out there.' Later on, he found another job and not for so long, he was fired due to his slowness. This time, the wife commented. 'There are always people who are skilful and non skilful. Some have experience from their years of work. As for you, you were in school all this while. So, how could you acquire these needed skills?' He went for a number of jobs but never stayed long in those jobs. Each time, he would return home with a dejected spirit. His wife would always comfort him and never for once, she was disappointed or resentful. He was in his thirties when he aquired a flair in languages. He became a counselor in a school for the deaf and mute. Later on, he opened a school for the disabled. A few years later, he set up chain stores in different cities and provinces selling apparatus & equipment for the disabled. He became a multi-millionaire. He was John Doe! One day he asked his wife. 'When I was looking bleak at my own future, what's the reason that you have so much faith in me?' His wife gave him a very simple reply. She said, 'When a piece of land is not suitable for planting wheat, we could try planting beans. If the beans are not growing well, we could try planting fruits or gourds. If the vegetation is not economical, we can instead scatter buckwheat seeds. These seeds will one day bloom into flowers. On this land itself, there will be one seed that will germinate and grow.' After having listened to the wife's explanation, he cried. His wife's faith, love, patience, and persistence in him is liken to the one seed in the land. This is the seed that persists and creates the miracle on this piece of land. "In this world, there's no one person who is useless. It is just that they have not positioned themselves firmly in right place" Having read this story, pls do not ignore it. Share it and you will find yourself very happy and be blessed... Good Morning.. Have a great week ahead..
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Pl go to website www.minorityaffairs.gov.in And open the link and take advantage or help the needy people or true NGO Khidmate khalk ibadat he Janseva prabhu seva he Service to humanity is service to God.... SCHEMES/PERFORMANCE Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) Scholarship Schemes Free Coaching and Allied Scheme Computerization of the records of State Waqf Boards Scheme Equity to National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation(NMDFC) Corpus Fund to Maulana Azad Education Foundation(MAEF) Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students Scheme Grant in Aid Scheme to State Channelising Agencies of National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation Reasearch/Studies, Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Scheme Including Publicity "Nai Roshni" - The scheme of Leadership Development of Minority Women Scheme "Seekho aur Kamao(Learn & Earn)"- The Scheme for Skill Development of Minorities. "Jiyo Parsi" - The Central Sector Scheme for Containing Population Decline of Parsis in India Padho Pardesh - Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas Studies for the students belonging to minorities. Support for Students clearing Prelims conducted by UPSC/SSC,State Public Service Commission(PSC) etc. “Hamari Dharohar”- scheme to Preserve Rich Heritage of Minority Communities of India under the Overall Concept of Indian Culture Maulana Azad Sehat Scheme for Institutions Financially Aided Minority Cyber Gram Scheme for Strengthening of State Waqf Boards. "USTTAD" - Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/ Crafts for Development
Simply beautiful.... Pls take two minutes to read. Dr. Mark, a well-known cancer specialist, was once on his way to an important conference in another city, where he was going to be honoured by an award in the field of medical research. He was very excited to attend the conference and was desperate to reach as soon as possible. He had worked long and hard on his research and felt his efforts deserved the award he was about to obtain. However, two hours after the plane took off, the plane made an emergency landing at the nearest airport due to some technical snag. Afraid, that he wouldn't make it in time for the conference, Dr. Mark, immediately went to the reception counter and found that the next flight to the destination was after ten hours. The receptionist suggested him, to rent a car and drive down to the conference city which was only four hours drive. Having no other choice, he agreed to the idea, despite his hatred for driving long distances. Dr. Mark rented a car and started the journey. However, Soon after he started, the weather suddenly changed and a heavy storm began. The pouring rain made it very difficult to see the road and missed a turn he was supposed to take. After two hours of driving, he was convinced, he was lost. Driving in the heavy rain on a deserted road, feeling hungry and tired, he frantically began to look for any sign of civilization. After some time, he finally came across a small tattered house. Desperate, he got out of the car and knocked on the door. A beautiful young lady opened the door. He explained the situation and asked her if he could use her telephone. However, the lady told him that she doesn't have a phone or any electronic gadget but told him to come inside and wait till the weather improved. Hungry, wet and exhausted, the doctor accepted her kind offer and walked in. The lady gave him hot tea and something to eat. He was feeling relaxed. The lady requested him to join her for prayer. But, Dr. Mark smiled and said that he believed in hard work only and told her to continue with her prayers. Sitting on the chair, doctor watched the woman sitting in the dim light of candles as she prayed next to what appeared to be a small baby crib. Every time she finished a prayer, she would start another one. Dr. felt that, the woman is in need of some help, and spoke to her as soon as she finished her prayers. The doctor asked her, what exactly she wanted from the God, and enquired if she thought God will ever listen to her prayers. He further asked about the small child in the crib for whom she was apparently praying. The lady gave a sad smile and said that the child in the crib is her son who is suffering from a rare type of cancer and there is only one doctor Mark, who can cure him but she doesn't have money to afford his fees and moreover, Dr Mark lives in another far off town. She said that God will certainly answer her prayer one day and will create some way out one day and added that she will not allow her fears to overcome her faith. Stunned and speechless Dr Mark was in tears, which were rolling down his cheeks. He whispered, God is great ! and recollected the sequence of events. there was malfunction in the plane, a thunderstorm hit, lost his way; and all this happened, because, God not only just answer her prayers, but also gave him a chance to come out of materialistic world and spare some time to help the poor hapless people, who have nothing but rich prayers !!! Always be prepared to do, What God has prepared you for... "There are no accidental things in Life" Everything happens for a reason...
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