As the nation celebrates the Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on 31st October, we remember him alongside former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi who was martyred on this day.
One united India physically and the other died for the unity of India.
Sardar Patel is remembered as the powerful Home Minister of India, who united the nation. He was a staunch supporter of Mahatma Gandhi, and joined the freedom struggle under the Mahatma in Kheda.
While the BJP, devoid of any nationalist icons, is trying to usurp Patel and paint him as a Hindu nationalist. It bears reminding that it was under Patel was was instrumental in passage of Articles 29 and 30 in the Constituent Assembly, guaranteeing to the minorities in India the right to practice their own faith, maintain their own culture, and establish educational institutes of their choice.
If Sardar Patel was the Iron Man, who united India, then it was under Indira Gandhi that India became one of the most influential nations in the world. It was under her leadership that India conducted her first nuclear test, launched its first satellite, and brought the economy back from high inflation and recession.
Sardar Patel and Indira Gandhi were both guided by the same ideal, making India a strong and confident nation.
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