Monday, 31 August 2015

बिहार में विधानसभा चुनाव छह चरणों में हो रहे हैं. पहले चरण का मतदान 21 अक्तूबर को होगा और आख़िरी चरण का मतदान होगा 20 नवंबर को, जबकि चुनाव का नतीजा 24 नवंबर को आएगा. आएँ एक नज़र डाले कि राज्य में कहाँ-कहाँ कब-कब चुनाव हो रहे हैं:

पहला चरण (मतदान - 21 अक्तूबार)
कुल47 सीटें

क्षेत्र : उत्तर-पूर्वी बिहार

अजा: अनुसूचित जाति

अजजा: अनुसूचित जनजाति

हरलाखी (31), बेनीपट्टी (32), खजौली (33), बाबूबरही (34), बिस्फी (35), मधुबनी (36), राजनगर (37-अजा), झंझारपुर (38), फुलपरास (39), लोकहा (40), निर्मली (41), पिपरा (42), सुपौल (43), त्रिवेणीगंज (44-अजा), फोर्बिसगंज (48), अररिया (49), जोकीहाट (50), सिकटी (51), बहादुरगंज (52), ठाकुरगंज (53), किशनगंज (54), कोचाधामन (55), अमौर (56), बायसी (57), कसबा (58), बनमँखी (59-अजा) , रुपौली (60), धमदाहा (61), पूर्णिया (62), कटिहार (63), कदवा (64), बलरामपुर (65), प्राणपुर (66), मनिहारी (67-अजजा), बरारी (68), कोरहा (69-अजा), आलमनगर (70), बिहारीगंज (71), सिंघेस्वर (72-अजा), मधेपुरा (73), सोनवर्षा (74-अजा), सहरसा (75), सिमरी बख्तियारपुर (76), महिषी (77).

स्थानीय मुद्दे - ये बाढ़ ग्रस्त इलाक़ा है जहाँ से मज़दूरों का पलायन हुआ है. कुछ इलाक़ों में पेयजल में लौह के प्रदूषण की शिकायतें सामने आई हैं. कई जगह चिकित्सा सुविधाओं का घोर अभाव है जबकि कुछ बंगलादेशियों की कथित घुसपैठ का मुद्दा भी उठा है.

दूसराचरण (मतदान - 24 अक्तूबर )
कुल 45 सीटें

क्षेत्र : उत्तर बिहार

अजा: अनुसूचित जाति

अजजा: अनुसूचित जनजाति

शिवहर (22), रीगा (23), बथनाहा (24-अजा), परिहार (25), सुरसंद (26), बाजपट्टी (27) , सीतामढ़ी (28), रुन्नीसैदपुर (29), बेलसंद (30), कुशेश्वर स्थान (78-अजा), गौराबौराम (79), बेनीपुर (80), अलीनगर (81), दरभंगा ग्रामीण (82), दरभंगा (83), हायाघाट (84), बहादुरपुर (85), क्योटी (86), जाले (87), गायघाट (88), औराई (89), बोचाहा (91- अजा), सकरी (92-अजा), कुरहनी (93), मुज़फ़्फ़रपुर (94), कांटी (95), बरुराज (96), कल्याणपुर (131-अजा) , वारिसनगर (132), समस्तीपुर (133), उजियारपुर (134), मोरवा (135), सरायरंजन (136), मोहिउद्दीननगर (137) , बिभूतिपुर (138), रोसड़ा (139-अजा) , हसनपुर (140), नरकटिया (12), पिपरा (17), मधुबन (18), चिरैया (20), ढाका (21), मीनापुर (90), पारु (97), साहेबगंज (98).

स्थानीय मुद्दे - यहाँ भी आनेक इलाक़े बाढ़ ग्रस्त हैं. क्षेत्र में कृषि आधारित उद्योगों की मांग है. मुज़फ़्फ़रपुर का बिजली कारखाना बंद है और इस क्षेत्र में मौजूद चीनी मिल भी बंद है.

तीसरा चरण (मतदान - 28 अक्तूबर)
कुल 48 सीटें

क्षेत्र : उत्तर-पश्चिमबिहार

अजा: अनुसूचित जाति

अजजा: अनुसूचित जनजाति

नरकटियागंज (3), बगहा (4), लौरिया (5), नौतन (6), चनपटिया (7), बेतिया (8), सिकटा (9), रक्सौल (10), सुगौली (11), हरसिद्धि (13-अजा) , गोविन्दगंज (14), केसरिया (15), कल्याणपुर (16), मोतिहारी (19), बैकुंठपुर (99) , बरौली (100), गोपालगंज (101), कुचायकोट (102), भोरै (103-अजा), हथुआ (104), सिवान (105), जीरादेई (106), दरौली (107-अजा) , रघुनाथपुर (108), दरौंधा (109), बड़रिया (110), गोरियाकोठी (111), महराजगंज (112), एकमा (113), मांझी (114), बनियापुर (115), तरैया (116), मरहौरा (117), छपरा (118), गरखा (119-अजा), अमनौर (120), परसा (121), सोनपुर (122), हाजीपुर (123), लालगंज (124), वैशाली (125), महुआ (126), राजापाकर (127-अजा), महनार (129), वाल्मीकिनगर (1), रामनगर (2-अजा), राघोपुर (128), पातेपुर (130).

स्थानीय मुद्दे - ये गन्ना उत्पादन क्षेत्र है जहाँ चीनी मिलों के बंद होने का कड़ा विरोध हुआ है. इस क्षेत्र में नक्सलवादियों का प्रभाव है और कई आपराधिक गिरोह भी यहाँ सक्रिय हैं.

चौथा चरण (मतदान - 1 नवंबर)
कुल 42 सीटें

क्षेत्र : पूर्व, मध्य और दक्षिणबिहार का हिस्सा

अजा: अनुसूचित जाति

अजजा: अनुसूचित जनजाति

चेरिया बरियारपुर (141), बछवारा (142), तेघड़ा (143), मटिहानी (144), साहेबपुर कमाल (145), बेगूसराय (146), बखरी (147-अजा), खगड़िया (149), बेलदौर (150), परबत्ता (151), लखीसराय (168), मुंगेर (165), बिहपुर (152), गोपालपुर (153), पीरपैंती (154-अजा), कहलगांव (155), भागलपुर (156), सुलतानगंज (157), नाथनगर (158), मोकामा (178), बाढ़ (179), बख्तियारपुर (180), दीघा (181), बांकीपुर (182), कुम्हरार (183), पटना साहिब (184), फतुहा (185), दानापुर (186), मनेर (187), अमरपुर (159), धोरैया (160-अजा), बांका (161).

चौथे चरण में ही भारतीय समयानुसार सुबह सात बजे से दोपहर तीन बजे तक जिन विधानसभा क्षेत्रों में मतदान होने हैं: अलौली (148-अजा), सूर्यगढ़ (167), तारापुर (164), जमालपुर (166), कटोरिया (1 62-अजजा), बेलहर (163), सिकंदरा (240-अजा), जमुई (241), झाझा (242), चकई (243).

स्थानीय मुद्दे - कभी यह एक बड़ा औद्योगिक क्षेत्र रहा है जहाँ अब उद्योग संकट में है. इस क्षेत्र का अधिकतर हिस्सा नक्सली हिंसा से प्रभावित है. इस क्षेत्र का कुछ भाग सूखा ग्रस्त भी है.

पाँचवाँचरण (मतदान - 9 नवंबर)
कुल 35 सीटें

क्षेत्र : मध्यऔर दक्षिणबिहार

अजा: अनुसूचित जाति

अजजा: अनुसूचित जनजाति

संदेश (192), बरहरा (193), आरा (194), अगियांव (195-अजा), तरारी (196), जगदीशपुर (197), शाहपुर (198), हिसुआ (236), नवादा (237), वारसलीगंज (239), गया टाउन (230), बेलागंज (232), अतरी (233), वजीरगंज (234), शेखपुरा (169), बरबीघा (170), अस्थावां (171), बिहारशरीफ़ (172), राजगीर (173-अजा), इस्लामपुर (174), हिलसा (175), नालंदा (176), हरनौत (177), रजौली (235-अजा), गोविंदपुर (238), अरवल (214), कुर्था (215), जहानाबाद (216), घोसी (217), मखदूमपुर (218-अजा), बोधगया (229-अजा), फुलवारी (188-अजा) , मसौढ़ी (189-अजा), पालीगंज (190), बिक्रम (191) .

स्थानीय मुद्दे - ये भी नक्सली हिंसा से प्रभावित इलाक़ा है जो सूखे से भी प्रभावित है. यह जातीय विद्वेष पर आधारित हिंसा के लिए भी कुख्यात इलाक़ा है.

छठाचरण (मतदान - 20 नवंबर)
कुल 26 सीटें

क्षेत्र : मध्यऔर दक्षिण - पश्चिमबिहार

अजा: अनुसूचित जाति

अजजा: अनुसूचित जनजाति

ब्रह्मपुर (199), बक्सर (200), डुमरांव (201), राजपुर (202-अजा), रामगढ़ (203), मोहनिया (204-अजा), करगहर (209), नोखा (211), ओबरा (220), औरंगाबाद (223). भारतीय समयानुसार सुबह सात बजे से दोपहर तीन बजे तक जिन विधानसभा क्षेत्रों में मतदान होने हैं: भभुआ (205), चैनपुर (206), चेनारी (207-अजा), सासाराम (208), दिनारा (210), डेहरी (212), काराकाट (213), गोह (219), नबीनगर (221), कुटुम्बा (222-अजा), रफ़ीगंज (224), गुरुआ (225), शेरघाटी (226), इमामगंज (227-अजा), बाराचट्टी (अजा-228), टिकारी (231).

स्थानीय मुद्दे - यह काफ़ी पुराने समय से नक्सलवाद से सबसे ज़्यादा प्रभावित इलाक़ा है. यहाँ सूखे का संकट भी है और यह क्षेत्र जातीय हिंसा से भी ग्रस्त है.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Visited the TD Bank to study of working of Banking System at Canada

Thursday, 27 August 2015


1. Detailed information of Income Tax is available on

2. As per Income Tax Act, Income is taxable under five heads- Salary, House Property, Business or Profession, Capital Gain and Other Sources.

3. Salaried person must obtain Form 16 from his Employer Every Year.

4. Income Tax Return should be filed by considering Form 16 and other Income.

5. Transport Allowance is exempt up to Rs.1,600 per month.

6. 30% Standard deduction is available on Income from House Property.

7. Income to be considered as deemed let out on second House property.

8. For self-occupied house property, deduction of Interest on Housing Loan is allowed up to Rs. 200,000/- and for other house property actual expenditure of Interest on Housing Loan is allowed.

9. Repayment of Principal amount of Housing Loan is deductible u/s 80C up to Rs.150,000/-.

10. Tax Audit is compulsory if sales turnover exceeds Rs.1 crore in case of business.

11. Tax Audit is compulsory if the Gross Receipts of Professionals exceeds Rs.25 lakhs.

12. If sales turnover is below Rs. 1 crore, then net profit of 8% or higher is to be taken as business income otherwise tax audit is required.

13. The Due Date for Tax Audit and income Tax Return is 30th September.

14. Assessee other than Company and those eligible for Tax Audit are required to file Income Tax Return before 31st of July. Extended date is 31st Aug for F.Y. 2014-15.

15. Accurate Stock Valuation should be done on 31st of March.

16. Cash payment should not be made to a person in single day exceeding Rs.20,000.

17. Cash Payment limit for Transporters is Rs.35,000/-.

18. Loans, deposits and Immovable Properties transactions should
not be carried out above Rs.20,000 in cash.

19. Business loss can be carried forward to Next 8 Years.

20.  Tax Audit applicable assesses should deduct TDS on particular transactions.

21. TDS should be made on the date of Credit or Payment basis of whichever is earlier.

22. TDS payment should be made on or before 7th day of Next Month.

23. TDS Returns are to be filed Quarterly.

24. TDS returns can be revised any number of times.

25. TDS should be deducted and paid if applicable.

26. If TDS is not deducted then deduction of 30% of Expenditure
is not allowed.

27. Late filling of TDS return attracts late filing fees of Rs.200 per day.

28. Long Term Capital Gain will arise if transfer of specified Capital Assets is made after 3 years.

29. Generally Long Term Capital Gains is taxable @ 20%

30. STT paid Long Term Capital Gain on Shares,etc is exempt from Tax.

31. Short Term Capital Gain is Taxable @ 15% if STT is paid.

32. Capital Gain on Immovable Properties is chargeable at Stamp
Duty Value or Selling Price whichever is higher.

33. Dividend received from domestic company is exempt from Tax.

34. Agricultural Income is exempt from Tax.

35. Gifts received form stranger of an Amount exceeding Rs.50,000 is taxable.

36. Income Tax is not chargeable on Gifts received at the time of Marriage, Will, and in case of Succession and from specified relatives.

37. Maximum deduction limit u/s 80C, 80CCC and 80 CCD is Rs.1,50,000.

38. Deduction of Medical Insurance Premium is available up to Rs. 25,000.

39. Deduction of Medical Insurance Premium paid for Parents is available up to Rs. 20,000.

40. Deduction limit of Interest earned on Saving Accnt is up to Rs.10, 000.

41. Income earned by a Minor child is clubbed in the hands of Parents.

42.  Every Taxpayer should verify his Form 26AS.

43. Form 26AS provides the Information regarding the TDS, Advance Tax paid and details of refund.

44. Notice may be sent to the Taxpayer if the Income mentioned in Form 26AS and the Income Tax Return filed is having difference.

45. Basic Exemption Limit for individuals for FY2015-16 is Rs.2,50,000.

46. Basic Exemption Limit for Senior Citizen i.e. above 60 years age is Rs.3,00,000.

47. Basic Exemption Limit for Super Senior Citizen i.e. above 80 years age is Rs.5,00,000.

48. Advance Tax is to be paid if Tax Liability during the year exceeds Rs. 10,000.

49. 12% of Surcharge is applicable if Income Exceeds Rs. 1Crore.

50. Income Tax Return should be filed if Income exceeds Basic Exemption Limit.

51. 30% of Tax applicable on Income of Partnership Firm, Company, LLP etc.

52. For Companies – Minimum Alternate Tax and for other Assesses
– Alternate Minimum Tax rate is 18.5%.

53. Details of all Bank Accounts have to be given in Income Tax return.

54. Passport number is required to be given in Income Tax return.

55. Detail of Fixed Assets held in Foreign Country is required to be given in Income Tax return.

56. If taxable income of Individual is less than Rs. 5 Lakhs then relief of Rs.2,000/- is available in Tax.

57. Aadhar Card No. is required to be mentioned in Income Tax return.

58. E-filling of return is compulsory if income exceeds Rs. 5 lakhs.

59. In Income Tax, E-filling of return can be done for Previous 2 Years only.

60. PAN Card is essential for Taxpayer and it should not be used as Id Proof.

61. From FY 2014-15 Depreciation is to be calculated as per New Companies Act.

62. Domestic Transfer Pricing is applicable on transaction exceeding an Amount Rs.20 crs

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

At  Blackburn physiotherapy sports clinic at Blackburn Hemlet Ottawa Canada

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

At Municipal Council of Kingston. Ontario State Canada

At 1000 Island on st Lorance River boundary of Ontario State of Canada and the New York State of USA

🇯‌🇴‌🇧 ‌‌ ‌🇯‌🇴‌🇧 ‌‌ ‌🇯‌🇴‌🇧         📩स्टील औथोरिटी ऑफ इंडिया मध्ये 482 जागा.  〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩एयर इंडिया मध्ये सेवक पदांच्या 193 जागा.  〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩हिंदुस्तान शिपयार्ड लिमिटेड मध्ये 50 जागा.   〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत सहाय्यक अभियंता पदांच्या 366 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩BSF सीमा सुरक्षा दलामध्ये कॉनस्टेबल, हेड कॉनस्टेबल सब इन्स्पेक्टर पदांच्या 230 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩एअर इंडिया मध्ये प्रशिक्षणार्थी पदांच्या 180 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩गोंदिया वनविभागामध्ये वन रक्षक पदांच्या 81 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩विमानतळ प्राधिकरणामध्ये कनिष्ठ सहाय्यक पदांच्या 52 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩मराठवाडा प्रशासकीय व विकास प्रशिक्षण प्रबोधनी, पैठण येथे प्रतिनियुक्तीने विविध पदाच्या जागा.  〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩निबंधक भागीदारी संस्था महाराष्ट्र राज्य मुंबई येथे विविध पदांच्या जागा.  〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩विदर्भ कोंकण ग्रामीण बँकेमध्ये 116 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩आय.बी.पी.एस मार्फत क्लार्क पदांच्या अंदाजे 40,000 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩तळेगाव ऑर्डनन्स डेपो मध्ये अधीक्षक पदांच्या जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩महिला आर्थिक विकास महामंडळ मध्ये 39 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩पाणी पुरवठा व स्वच्छता विभाग, नवी मुंबई येथे विविध पदांची भरती. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत अन्न सुरक्षा अधिकारी पदाच्या 48 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩इंडो-तिबेटि बॉर्डर पोलीस दलात 158 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                             📩स्टाफ सलेक्शन कमीशन मार्फ़त लघुलेखक पदांच्या 1064 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩महाराष्ट्र ग्रह निर्माण व क्षेत्र विकास प्राधिकरण मध्ये विविध पदांच्या 240 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩माझगाव डोक शिप बिल्डर्स लिमिटेड मध्ये विविध पदांच्या 330  जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत राज्य सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा 2015 जाहीर एकूण 368 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩भारतीय रेल्वे मध्ये प्रशिक्षणार्थी पदांच्या 635 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩लोकसभा साचीवालायामध्ये विविध पदांच्या जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩ONGC तेल आणि नैसर्गिक गैस लिमिटेड मध्ये विविध पदांच्या 157 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩केंद्रीय लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत भारतीय नौदल अकादमी, हवाई दल अकादमी, आणि ऑफिसर्स ट्रेनिंग अकादमी मधील एकूण 463 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩राष्ट्रीय उत्पादकता परिषदेमध्ये 459 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩पंजाबराव देशमुख कृषी विद्यापीठ अकोला येथे विविध पदांच्या 49 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩कोंकण रेल्वे कोर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड मध्ये शारीरिक विकलांग कोटा अंतर्गत विशेष भरती. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩महाराष्ट्र विधानमंढळ सचिवालयात कनिष्ठ प्रतीवेदक पदांच्या जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩पश्चिम रेल्वेमध्ये खेळाडू  पदांची भरती. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩महिला व बालविकास विभाग पुणे विविध पदांच्या 142 जागा.  〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩भारतीय विमानतळ प्राधिकरण मध्ये कनिष्ठ सहाय्यक पदांची जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📩माझगाव डोक शिपबिल्डर्स लिमिटेड मध्ये विविध पदांच्या 17 जागा. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                       📢 शेअर करा आपल्या प्रत्येक whatsapp मित्र आणि ग्रुप मध्ये .

At Kingston Ontario State Canada

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Govt. Of India has annouced

1)"Merit Cum Means Scholarship" for students belongs to Minorities community for 2015-2016

Courses cover:B.E/B.TECH, M.E/M.TECH, MBA/MMS, LLB, B.Pharm/M.Pharm, MBBS/BUMS  & other professional and technical courses.

Rate of scholarahip:
Ra.25000 for Day scholar
Rs.30000 for Hosteler

Apply online:(new website)

Last date:
For fresh - 30th September
For renewal - 15th November

2) "Maulana Azad Education Scholarship" for girls student studying in 11th & 12th std.

Rate of scholarahip:
11th- Rs.6000

How to apply:
Student can apply online at
And courier the documents & form to Maulana Azad foundation Delhi address.

Last Date:
Last date for scholarship is 30th September 2015.

Govt. Of india has announced scholarship scheme for those who have appeared in the preliminary exam of UPSC(IAS,IPS,IFS etc.), Staff selection commission & other competitive exam.

Rate of scholarship:
Gazetted post-Rs.50,000
Non Gazetted post-Rs.25,000

How to apply:
Form can be downloaded from.

Govt of india has announced Pre-Matric Scholarship for School going students belongs to Minorities Community.

Rate of Scholarship:
1st to 5th std - Rs.1000
6th to 10th std - Rs.5000

How to apply:
1st to 8th std. can download form from

9th & 10th std can apply online on

Last date:
30th August, 2015

Govt. Of Maharashtra annouced Free Police Constable Training Program for Minorities.
Application are invited for the training program for the year of 2015-16.

Terms & Condition:
1.Candidate should have passed H.S.C Examination.
2.Annual family income should not exceed 2.5lak
3.Age- 18 to 25years
4.Candidate should attach tue copies of educational qualification & Adhar card.

Candidate should remain present at following address on 20th Aug. At 10am along with xerox copy of documents & form.
Address: Police Parade Ground Naigaon (Dadar). Mumbai.

📢📢 Very important Information 📢📢

Opportunity available for students who have not got their last year scholarship amount of "Merit Cum Means" & "Post Matric" scholarships for 2014-2015 due to wrong bank account detail.

Students can update their correct bank account detail now on  till 30th september 2015.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Rajiv Gandhi was one of the popular Prime Ministers of India. The developmental projects launched by him include the national education policy and expansion of telecom sector. Besides his achievement and subsequent popularity, As Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi endeavored to eliminate the corrupt and criminal faces within the Indian National Congress party.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Real Facts & History - Very informative and intelligent post

It was Emperor Aurangzeb who first asked the East India Company to quit India in 1686 in Surat!

The first war against the British was fought almost 200 years before independence The Battle of Plassey, wherein Nawab Sirajuddawla of Bengal was treacherously defeated by the British in 1757!

The first signs of victory against the British were seen in Mysore where Nawab Hyder Ali first waged war against the British in 1782. He was succeeded by his son, Tipu Sultan who again fought them in 1791 and was eventually treacherously defeated and martyred in 1799. Tipu Sultan was the first General to use missiles in warfare!

The Mujahid Movement was active during 1824 and 1831 under the leadership of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and his two disciples and they were successful in liberating the North-west province from British authority. Syed Ahmad Shaheed was nominated Khalifa, but the freedom was short lived and he was martyred in 1831!

The last Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar was to lead the War of Independence in 1857. A country-wide war was to begin simultaneously on the 31st of May 1857, but the Indians among the British army revolted before that on the 10th of May 1857!

A startling 5,00,000 Muslims were martyred following the events of 1857, of which 5000 were Ulema (religious scholars). It is said that there was not a single tree on the Grand Trunk Road from Delhi to Calcutta but that an alim’s body was not found hanging on it for days together!

Indian Ulema called for Jihad against the British and declared India as Darul Harb (Territory under Enemy control). This call found resonance all over the country with Muslims rising up against the British!

To liberate the countrymen from the Cultural and Educational bondages of the colonial empire, towering centers of learning like the Darul Uloom Deoband, Darul Uloom Nadwa and the Aligarh Muslim University were established in the late 19th Century, which are still counted amongst the leading Indian seminaries!

The Reshmi Rumaal Tehreeq was launched in 1905 by Shaikhul Islam Maulana Mehmood Hasan and Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi to unite all the Indian states against the British. Maulana Mehmood was imprisoned in Malta and Kalapani for the same where he breathed his last!

The Indian National Congress, from the time of its inception to independence has seen 9 Presidents who were Muslims!

Barrister M. K. Gandhi served in a law firm in South Africa owned by a Muslim, who on his own expenses brought Gandhiji to India in 1916. Here, he started his agitation under the Ali Biradran (Ali Brothers)!

The Mopla movement saw 3000 Muslims being martyred in a single battle!

The Non-cooperation Movement and the Swadeshi Movement saw overwhelming Muslim participation. Janab Sabusiddiq who was the Sugar-king of that time gave up his business as a form of boycott. The Khoja and Memon communities owned the biggest business houses of that time and they parted with their treasured industries to support the boycott!

The 1942 Quit India movement was actually planned by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. He was imprisoned on the 8th of August and sent to Ahmadnagar, because of which Gandhiji had to lead the movement on the 9th of August!

Jyotiba Phule was sponsored by his neighbour, Usman Bagban in his educational activities, so much so that the school in which he taught was owned by Mr. Usman. His daughter, Fatima was the first girl student there and joined as a teacher thereafter!

Muslim leaders always supported the Dalit cause. In the Round Table Conference held in London, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was lured into abandoning the Dalit cause in lieu of accepting all the other demands of the Muslims. But Maulana Johar refused to forsake the Dalits!

When Dr. B.R. Ambedkar could not win the 1946 Central Elections, the Bengal Muslim League vacated one of its own seats and offered it to Dr. Ambedkar, who won it in the bypoll. This gesture by the Muslim League paved the way for his entry into the Constituent Assembly and the rest as they say, is history!

Muslims freedom fighters were active in the field of journalism as well. Maulana Azad used his pen against the British despite being prevented by the colonial powers a number of times. In fact, the first journalist to be martyred in the cause of India’s Freedom Struggle was also a Muslim - Maulana Baqar Ali.

So why have these points, and many many such similar ones, been relegated to the dustbin by our historians? Why are these events of history not taught in our history classes? Why are our children’s text books bereft of these historical facts? Why this prejudice? This is a deliberate attempt to discredit the Muslim leadership and indeed the Muslim masses, in order to spread in the Muslim community a sense of inferiority complex and to push them on a defensive stand. What have you done for this nation to deserve the benefits of its independence? we are asked! The Muslim community has played a pivotal role in India’s Freedom Struggle and it is high time we Indians are made aware of these untold and hidden aspects of history.

India is again being enslaved by our politicians. It is time to liberate her again from domestic and international neo-colonialism.

I request all my friends please forward this message to every citizen and recreate awareness about sacrifices made by Muslims in the Indian history pre Independence.

.......Let others also know.....

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

IA by the grace of God and with your blassing I am going out of India on Friday morning from Mumbai International Airport.

During my foreign visit I am available on Whatsapp / Viber / Tango and fb massager.

"Life can give us a number of Beautiful Friends but,Only True Friends can give us a Beautiful Life!!"                                   Good Morning!

Monday, 10 August 2015

Bombay  Andheri  SEVENHILLS 🏥 Hospital  do Free Surgeries under RGJAY Scheme
1) Open heart  (By pass) surgery
2) Heart Valve rsuurgery
3) Angioplasty
4) All Cancer surgeries
5) Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy
6) Kidney  Transportation surgeries
7) Daliysis
8) Kidney stone
Only for yellow  & Orange ration card holders in Maharahstra
We do medical camps also in all over Maharahstra 
Contact person : - SUSHANT MESTA 9833499590 Seven hills hospital Marol Andheri  (E)

Kindly share u message since it will benefit patients whose treatment has been stopped just because of lack of funds . Thanx all from need any help from hospital pl call HAJI ISTHIYAQUE BASHIR JAGIRDAR on 9920154806.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

आपने आधार कार्ड के लिए आवेदन किया है पर वह अभी तक नहीं मिला? परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं, आप इंटरनेट पर जाकर आसानी से अपने आवेदन (एप्लिकेशन) का स्टेटस जान सकते हैं। इसके लिए आपको एकनॉलेजमेंट स्लिप की जरूरत पड़ेगी जो आपको इनरॉलमेंट सेंटर पर प्रोफाइलिंग प्रकिया के बाद दिया जाता है। अगर आपके पास वो स्लिप मौजूद है तो स्टेटस जाना पाना बेहद ही आसान है।

देश के सभी नागरिक आधार कार्ड पाने के हकदार हैं। 12 अंकों वाला यह सरकारी आइडेंटिफिकेशन नंबर अनिवार्य तो नहीं है, लेकिन यह ज्यादातर सरकारी कागजातों में पहचान पत्र के तौर पर काम आता है। आधार कार्ड को भारत सरकार की ओर से भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण (UIDAI) द्वारा जारी किया जाता है। हाल के दिनों में कुछ सरकारी संस्थानों में तो इसे अनिवार्य भी कर दिया गया है। इसलिए हमारा सुझाव होगा कि आप इसे जरूर बनवाएं चाहे इसकी तत्काल जरूरत ना भी हो।

अपने आधार कार्ड के आवेदन की स्थिति जानने के लिए आप नीचे दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन कर सकते हैं।

1. UIDAI की वेबसाइट पर Aadhaar status page पर जाएं।

2. अपने आधार कार्ड के एकनॉलेजमेंट स्लिप को जांचें। इसके ऊपरी हिस्से में आप 14 नंबर का इनरॉलमेंट नंबर देख पाएंगे। इसके साथ इनरॉलमेंट की तारीख और वक्त का भी दिया होगा, यह भी 14 आंकड़ों का होगा।

3. इन डिटेल को EID और Date/ Time के बॉक्स में क्रमशः लिख दें।

4. इसके बाद कैप्चा कोड को Enter the Security Code वाले बॉक्स में लिखें।

5. अब Check Status पर क्लिक करें।

ऐसा करने से आप अपने आधार इनरॉलमेंट एप्लिकेशन का स्टेटस जान लेंगे। आपको बता दें कि इस प्रक्रिया के जरिए आप सिर्फ नए आवेदन की स्थिति जान सकते हैं। अगर आपने अपना कार्ड खो दिया है और उसकी डिजिटल कॉपी निकालना चाहते हैं तो आप आधार कार्ड की डिजिटल कॉपी डाउनलोड करने का तरीका जानें।